Seeking licensed engineers and builders.

Discussion in 'Services & Employment' started by woodywd, Apr 17, 2013.

  1. woodywd
    Joined: Apr 2013
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    woodywd Junior Member

    We are a small product design and prototype Incorporated company. With assets over 30 million. Licensing contracts with Polaris, Boise Cascade,Ibanez
    among others.

    I am the owner and president of this small but potent enterprise. I am seeking a licensed professional engineer and builder with a resume to suit this product. Once accepted you will be required to go under a bonded contract. This prototype must be completed by 10/11/13. Acceptance of engineer proposal ASAP.

    More information is available thank you.

    Attached Files:

  2. Uberdork
    Joined: Jul 2013
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    Uberdork New Member

    Would you outsource it?

    If you want we can help with the prototype's production. We are a small but very skilled company with a high degree of expertise in RIB production and prototyping.
    The only drawback is we are located in Greece. That makes us very good value for money though ;)
    We are very comfortable working with high tech composites and new design prototyping (we even made parts of a composite supercar prototype last month).
    Please let me know if you would consider outsourcing the prototype construction to us.
  3. nilangalakmal
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    nilangalakmal Junior Member

    Boat design and structural Enginner

    I successfully completed my Mechanical Engineering degree with Second Class Honours (Upper Division) from University of Peradeniya.

    At present I am working at Solas Marine Lanka which is a leading Boat and Yacht Manufacturing Company and presently handling a project to manufacture and supply of 80 nos of Fast Interceptor Crafts for Indian Navy. As the Design Engineer/ Asst. Project Manager, I am doing all structural & system designs, drawings, BoQs, Lightship calculations, documentations and correspondences with Customer and Classification Societies. My major strengths are my dedication to completing assigned tasks, ability to work independently on projects as well as a team.

    I have worked for Neil Fernando & Company as a Design Engineer for a period of 2 years and handled all structural and system designs & drawing for class approval for number of projects.

    I would be delighted if I’m given an opportunity to join hands with your Esteemed Establishment enabling me to enhance my knowledge and gain much valued experience.
  4. Ad Hoc
    Joined: Oct 2008
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    Ad Hoc Naval Architect

    I saw those patrol boats in a mag recently, neat.
    Well done on getting the contract..whose the designer?
  5. nilangalakmal
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    nilangalakmal Junior Member

    one of Boat designs of Dr. Albert |(Albatross) and structural, system designs, drawings for Class approval and documentations done by my self
  6. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

    nilangalakmal, congratulations on the work you say you've done but, with all due respect, do all "drawings for Class approval", which are a huge number of planes, I find a job too big, in knowledge and in number of hours, to be performed by just one person. I'm probably misinterpreting you, therefore, what has really been your involvement in this project?.
  7. nilangalakmal
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    nilangalakmal Junior Member

    Thanks for your comments, As a design engineer I have sketched-out and reviewed all drawings for for approval, I have 043 nos of draftsmen with me, but all responsibilities on my head
  8. nilangalakmal
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    nilangalakmal Junior Member

    sorry typing mistake only 03 nos of draftsmen with me
  9. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

    I see, now the numbers fit a little better. Anyway, draw all drawings, electrical, mechanical, structural, piping, fire .... seems a lot of work for three men and a coordinator to make it in a reasonable time.
    It is a work for encyclopedic professionals with expertise in various areas, not draftsmen specialists in a certain field. It seems to go against the specialization of labor, very fashionable concept until very recently.
  10. nilangalakmal
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    nilangalakmal Junior Member

    Thanks for your comments, but we did it.

  11. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

    Once again congratulations.
    Just want to point out that in less than an hour, you've changed from saying : "drawings for Class approval and documentations done by my self"
    to say : "WE did it"
    Anything else needs to be changed?
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