Seeking Input on Hull Suggestions and Offset Table Data for Small Fishing Boats

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by Abu Huraira Javaid, Jun 30, 2023.

  1. Abu Huraira Javaid
    Joined: May 2023
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    Abu Huraira Javaid New Member

    I am currently working on a project to design small fishing boats, and I am seeking your expertise and insights. Specifically, I am looking for recommendations and information regarding authentic hull designs suitable for this purpose.

    I am particularly interested in exploring three types of hull designs: round bottom hulls, single-chined hulls, and double-chined hulls. I would appreciate any information or experiences you can share regarding the performance, advantages, and considerations associated with these hull types for small fishing boats.

    In addition, I kindly request any offset table data or line plans that you may have available. This data will be instrumental in ensuring the accuracy and precision of my designs, allowing me to incorporate the correct measurements and dimensions.

    I encourage open discussions and welcome your input on the various aspects of hull design for small fishing boats. Factors such as stability, maneuverability, fuel efficiency, and suitability for different fishing conditions are all important considerations. Feel free to share any resources, personal experiences, or expert knowledge you may have in this field.

    Thank you in advance for your time and valuable contributions to this project. Your insights will greatly enhance the quality and effectiveness of the small fishing boat designs, benefiting the wider boating community and fishing enthusiasts.
  2. baeckmo
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    baeckmo Hydrodynamics

    It all depends on what fishing methods you are designing for. There are so many trade-offs regarding hull design that depend on fishing gear handling, sea environment, legal limitations aso, that overrule the "normal" aspects of hull design. I suggest you study documentation available through the UN/FAO organization; fi their series of "Fishing Boats of the World", edited by NA J-O Traung. The no 3 has ISBN number 0 85238 043 7.
  3. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

    @Abu Huraira Javaid, welcome to the forum.
    I have a lot of experience in the design of fishing boats between 7 and 24 m in length. I would prefer to talk about projects that are actually going to be built and not about student theoretical studies. If it is the first case, send me a pm, if you think it is appropriate, to exchange information.
  4. gonzo
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    gonzo Senior Member

    First, you should research any regulations for fishing boats. They have to comply or they are useless. Second, define the type of fishing and operating conditions. These will drive the design.
  5. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

    Just that? How simple!
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  6. Alik
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    Alik Senior Member

    In fact, most of small fishing boats are driven either by a) 'tonnage' or b) length restrictions. Define what apples in your case of flag state. Sample:
    a) Korean or Japanese fishers, extremely low main deck above WL, tall bulwarks create volume to carry the catch, small pilothouse often partly open
    b) 'Short' and 'fat' looking North European boats. Length is limited but beam and height are not...
    There is no general advice to be given, we did both types of fishers... interesting experience.
  7. comfisherman
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    comfisherman Senior Member

    Species plus gear type and then go look at other places who fish for similar, adapt the design to suit. Small is relative, so gonzo isn't wrong on basic definition first.

    Not many fish haven't been chased the world over, we're getting pretty good at figuring out the better mousetrap.

  8. bajansailor
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    bajansailor Marine Surveyor

    @Abu Huraira Javaid could you maybe provide a list of requirements for what your fishing boats have to be capable of achieving?
    I presume that they are intended for fishing in the local waters off Pakistan?
    What sort of range under power must they have at their average cruising speed, and what is their intended cruising speed?
    Are you also going to consider sail propulsion?
    How many crew will they have? I presume that larger boats will have more crew, and the ability to stay out longer, or are they all 'day boats', returning to port every evening?
    What is their expected fish carrying capacity?
    If they are staying out longer than a day, then they will need an ice box for storing fish - you have to allow for the size and weight of the ice box (and the ice) as well in your designs.
    What are the typical sea conditions that your fishermen will experience?

    There are pros and cons for the different hull forms that you mention above, ie round bottom hulls, single-chined hulls, and double-chined hulls.
    What is your intended construction material?
    If it is eg plywood or steel / aluminium, then a round bottom hull will be much more difficult to build than a single chined hull, and a double chined hull will require more welding of the joints, or lamination of the joints compared to a single chined hull.

    Have a look though this catalogue of over 200 fishing boat designs on the FAO website - there should be some useful information there for you?
    FAO Fisheries & Aquaculture
    Last edited: Jul 1, 2023
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