Seeking Boat Building Engineer

Discussion in 'Services & Employment' started by an2reir, Oct 31, 2022.

  1. an2reir
    Joined: Sep 2001
    Posts: 645
    Likes: 173, Points: 53, Legacy Rep: 110
    Location: Bordeaux France

    an2reir fifty boat designs

    Greetings from France to all members !

    A newly formed boat building company in Bucharest Romania is seeking a young engineer to join their team wich at present is setting up and starting the process building the molds and prototypes of a series of innovative composite sail boats and race sail boats

    The engineer is to be familiar and be able to work fluently with Rhino (and potentially also Solidworks to an acceptable level) and have some experience of composite materials and boat building

    The role is that of fiberglass composite Sail Boat Construction Production engineering and monitoring with the potential of career progression to becoming Production Manager or Engineering Manager

    The Engineer is to work on boatyard site 20 km from Bucharest City center.
    He should be capable of converting the Rhino CAD drawings into production drawings for the craftsmen to manufacture molds and cut with the hand routers with the CNC router with the 3D printer

    The engineer should be knowledgeable in the design of building of fiberglass moulds and be capable to design and make the mould of a composite part starting from a Rhino 3D CAD model of that part

    We are in the process of setting up for building the set of tooling and molds and as well the prototype bats for the series fabrication of a sail boats that is designed for 1. the general public (and that version is to be built in fiberglass vacuum infusion ) and 2. as well the racing that version is to be built in carbon composite .

    The boatyard is now at the stage where a team of craftsmen are being trained in boatbuilding techniques and a modern boat production facility of cca 1000 sq meters is soon the be built

    Those interested to e-mail me at my emails :
    Last edited: Nov 2, 2022
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