Second alternator needed?

Discussion in 'OnBoard Electronics & Controls' started by kapnD, Sep 13, 2018.

  1. kapnD
    Joined: Jan 2003
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    kapnD Senior Member

    My vessel is primarily 24 v, starter, alternator, lights and pumps, but I have a few 12v accessory items that I currently operate off of a 24x12v converter which only makes about 20 amps, not quite what I need at times.
    The obvious solution is to add a second alternator at 12v and a 12 v battery, but all the bracketing, and drive belt mods to make that work are both complex and expen$ive, so I’m wondering if it might be more feasible to install a 24x12v charger and battery?
    Electrics are not my forte, would appreciate thoughts from those more knowledgeable in the field.
    Also would a 3 bank shore power battery charger be able to charge all 3 batteries since two of them are wired together to make the 24 v side?
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