Searching for Plans for Ken Bassett designed Rascal

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by Don Wood, Jun 20, 2022.

  1. Don Wood
    Joined: Jun 2022
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    Don Wood New Member

    I am searching for plans for the Ken Bassett designed Rascal. According to the post on the WoodenBoat plans site, they indicate that Mr Bassett has retired and plans are no longer being offered for purchase. I suspect that there are so copies floating around that owners have decided, for various reasons that they do not personally wish to build and the plans are unused.
  2. bajansailor
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    bajansailor Marine Surveyor

    Welcome to the Forum Don.

    Have you tried asking on the Wooden Boat Forum?
    Or on their Facebook page?
    Wooden Boat Forum | Facebook

    Google found this nice article in Epoxyworks about building a Rascal -
    The RASCAL Project - Epoxyworks

    And I tried googling her builder, Steve Gembrowski, but he is a bit elusive.
    A Steve Gembrowski in Saginaw is mentioned in these Cruising World classified ads - 2nd column, 2nd advert down.
    Cruising World

    I found an address (copied below) for a Steve Gembrowski in Saginaw on but it was only up until 2020 - you could still maybe try writing him a letter to see if he is the gentleman who built a Rascal, and the letter might be forwarded on to him?
    If so, he might be happy to let you have the plans?
    A long shot I know, but might be worth trying?
    The address mentioned is :
    12165 Gratiot Rd
    Residence: Saginaw, Michigan, USA
    Postal Code: 48609
    DogCavalry, BlueBell and Flotation like this.
  3. Don Wood
    Joined: Jun 2022
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    Don Wood New Member

    Thank you. You've given me some good leads to start.
    bajansailor likes this.
  4. WildHorses
    Joined: Jul 2022
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    WildHorses Junior Member

    I just recently bought the Brown & Bassett built “Wild Horses” and moved it to Oklahoma


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  5. Don Wood
    Joined: Jun 2022
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    Don Wood New Member

    Beautiful boat
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