searching for a a good public university in any country where i can move to next year

Discussion in 'Education' started by sarrsar, Nov 7, 2012.

  1. sarrsar
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    sarrsar Junior Member

    hello i am an architecture student but i am interested in going into naval architecture , i am searching for a a good public university in any country where i can move to next year as an undergraduate.
    i appreciate your help.
  2. chandru447

    chandru447 Previous Member

  3. sarrsar
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    sarrsar Junior Member

    Thank u very much for ur reply I will check it now
  4. chandru447

    chandru447 Previous Member

    If u find it useful please let others also know about this forum
  5. Stumble
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    Stumble Senior Member


    The University of New Orleans has a very good NA program, and has a lot of foreign students attending. I would at least give them a call.
  6. DavidJ
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    DavidJ Senior Member

    Robert Allen has a partial list on their site:

    This very website also has a very decent list, although some of the info is a little out of date:

    I'm curious why you'd want to switch from architecture to naval architecture? Despite the name similarity it's a fairly big difference in type of education and skill sets.
  7. sarrsar
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    sarrsar Junior Member

    thanks all for your help , its is was so helpfull.
    david i have always been amazed my boats yachts and everything concerning marines but i have never new that there is such a major i heard about it recently thats why.
    a quick question isn't it possible to finish the architecture degree then get a master degree in naval architecture ? or at least continue naval as a major and architecure as minor degree?
    ( i am sorry for my stupid questions but i don't know anyone who has knowledge about this major)
    thank you again
  8. gonzo
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    gonzo Senior Member

    I believe the University of New Orleans is the only offering a NA degree that is not a modified engineering degree.
  9. DavidJ
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    DavidJ Senior Member

    Not sure what you mean Gonzo. First of all Naval Architecture IS engineering. Second UNO has a very similar curriculum to the other nav arch universities in North America. The first year of nav arch at UNO is identical to the first year of mechanical engineering. As the education progresses the student focuses more on their chosen specialization. This is very similar to the curriculum at the University of Michigan and Memorial University.

    sarrsar you could probably take one or the other as a minor at the right school. If you take the right math courses during your architecture degree you could probably do a masters in naval architecture. However, the educations are very different. I don't pretend to know your motivations or interests. I just want you to be sure you know what you are getting into. Naval Architecture is engineering. Naval Architecture design is math based engineering design, NOT aesthetic design. This topic comes up a lot on this forum. Here are some recent threads about this.

    Good luck
  10. gonzo
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    gonzo Senior Member

    What I mean is that UNO has a program tailored exclusively for NAs. The whole course is based on ship design and not a mix of engineering disciplines.
  11. sarrsar
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    sarrsar Junior Member

    thank you gonzo :) the links were helpful ..another question i have been searching for good univeristiess w na degree but all the universities are really expensive do u happen to know a good public university in any country :p ?

    thank u in advance for your help
  12. DCockey
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    DCockey Senior Member

    As DavidJ said, University of New Orleans and University of Michigan naval architecture undergraduate programs are very similar and start with core engineering courses shared with other engineering majors. Both are broader than ship design.

    Webb Institute on Long Island awards only naval architecture degrees, and perhaps is more ship design focused than UNO or UM.
  13. DavidJ
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    DavidJ Senior Member

    You will find schools in the UK are generally cheaper for foreign students than the US.

    Canada and Australia usually have similar prices for university and would be between the price of the UK and USA.

    European countries are all over the board. Sweden was free only 3 or 4 years ago, but is now similar to American prices for tuition. I think Norway and Finland still have free tuition, at least for certain programs. You will really have to take the time to search the websites.

    Also remember that cost of living can vary greatly from one place to the next. If you are paying twice as much per month for rent you could potentially exceed any tuition savings.

  14. sarrsar
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    sarrsar Junior Member

    thank you very much for your help ! i hope one day i may be helpful in anything :)
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