Sea Worthiness?

Discussion in 'Powerboats' started by james panetta, Feb 25, 2019.

  1. james panetta
    Joined: Feb 2019
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    james panetta New Member

    Newbe here! Looking into purchasing a powerboat on the East Coast, and taking several months, cross the Yucatan Channel, thru the Panama Canal, up the West Coast to Anacortes, Wa where it will remain. (I'm retired).

    I'm resonating the best with a 48' that has a modified-vee 19 degree deadrise hull. Literature says it's a Coastal Cruiser,...which I have no idea what that means. No

    For safety, looking for something at 35Kts or better, outrun any pirate type stuff around Central America,...besides being perfect for running the San Juans and British Columbia.

    Four navigating areas of concern: Yucatan Channel, the Points by Puerto Vallarta and Big Sur, and the Columbia Bar. The draft of this boat I'm looking at is under 3',...great for the Inland NW,...but unsure how well it will handle getting there.

    Unfortunately, no CE Certifications in the US,...literature is about style, looks, color,...not sea worthiness.

    Any thoughts? Appreciate the advice.
    fastwave likes this.
  2. Mr Efficiency
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    Mr Efficiency Senior Member

    35 knots is a huge ask for a 48' boat, unless you are talking about a slender sports boat with limited accommodation.
  3. james panetta
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    james panetta New Member

    No. The 48' boat I'm interested in has a cruising speed of 35 knots, top speed of 38 knots. Palm Beach has a 50' with top speed of 40 knots,...and also has a modified vee hull,...although it uses 40 gph. LOL But, I'm too old to sail.

    The Palm Beach GT 50 also comes in a Hybrid,...8 knots from an electric motor. No matter what I get, I'd like to add an Elco EP-40 electric inboard for trawling around. I think the MJM 50z also has a hybrid option, and a cruising speed of 35kts.
  4. Mr Efficiency
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    Mr Efficiency Senior Member

    I think your 48 footer will handle the situation, given you can pick your days, and take advantage of good weather to make some long hops.
  5. nemier
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    nemier Junior Member

    Hi James,
    Sorry, I think you've got the wrong boat in mind, for such a journey.
    If your heart is stuck on this particular boat (which I totally understand), then fly up to WA, and buy the boat there.
  6. gonzo
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    gonzo Senior Member

    If outrunning pirates is one of the requirements, then 35 Kt is not going to make it. They usually run fast small boats to approach victims.

  7. Tad
    Joined: Mar 2002
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    Tad Boat Designer

    High-speed boats have very limited range, they can't carry enough fuel to get out of sight. Knock 20% off the total capacity for a safety cushion. You can load more fuel into bladders in the cockpit, but that knock a lot off the top speed. It takes a specialized, long and thin design, to cross open water at high speed.
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