Sea Sled madness. It’s in my brain.

Discussion in 'Fiberglass and Composite Boat Building' started by DogCavalry, Nov 11, 2019.

  1. DogCavalry
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    DogCavalry Senior Member

    In normal loading Serenity is down by the head a degree or two. As seems to be typical with older sea sleds. Usually they had boatier sheer lines, but Serenity is dead flat for utility's sake.
  2. DogCavalry
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    DogCavalry Senior Member

    Fouled again. Port sideplugs more fouled than starboard. I've been buying gas st the Marina labeled "mid grade no ethanol". But I can't find mention anywhere of that combo. The only no vodka gas I can find is the 94 octane Ultra at the Chevron. If I've been using regular 87 with ethanol without knowing, I think overpriced bad gasoline is my problem.
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  3. baeckmo
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    baeckmo Hydrodynamics

    I'd like to see "through" the spark gaps, to check if there is a buildup on either side.
  4. DogCavalry
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    DogCavalry Senior Member

    No noticeable buildup. I can't provide a before pic. I've already cleaned them.
  5. Scuff
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    Scuff Senior Member

    I buy ethanol free gas in Virginia and it's all mid grade 89 octane. If suspicious it contains ethanol you can test for that. Google ethanol gas test kit.
  6. DogCavalry
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    DogCavalry Senior Member

    Awesome! Where do you get that?
  7. Scuff
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    Scuff Senior Member

    Just add water and gasoline. The ethanol readily combines with water.
    I used this method for adjusting base tune when running e85 at the pump. Interested to see if it's got ethanol in it.
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  8. DogCavalry
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    DogCavalry Senior Member

    Brilliant! And it turns out I have other options. Some Shell stations and all Coop stations have it.
  9. Barry
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    Barry Senior Member

    You could find a Very knowledgeable parts guy, ie someone with grey hair, or alternatively work through it on the net but there will be a hotter running plug to burn off the build up
    The focal points are the length of the tip from the seat need to be the same to prohibit the tip mating with the piston

    an aside. The octane rating does not enhance the power released from the fuel, IN the same engine ie same compression ratio,

    When Tetraethyl lead was banned, to reduce pollution, I am under the impression that ethanol did much the same for anti knock
    Certainly we have seen the articles about the non-renewable fuel consumption used to produce renewable ethanol fuel but
    if anti knock improvement (pre detonation) improvements prevail there is less lead in the environmental

    With my suggestion to get a hotter plug is with the warning that you are aware of the fact that a very hot plug may cause pre detonation, unlikely but possible

    I would phone a marine shop that used to sell BRP and see what they recommend for plugs
    Certainly Serenity does is not quite functioning at the designed load to rpm parameters
    Last edited: Jan 25, 2023
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  10. Barry
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    Barry Senior Member

    Spark plug heat range numbering explained

    just need to ensure same series
  11. DogCavalry
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    DogCavalry Senior Member

    IMG_20230122_095756563_HDR.jpg IMG_20230122_092705305.jpg IMG_20230122_093035037_HDR.jpg IMG-20230122-WA0000.jpg
    Today's onerous chore. That moving van, loaded into Serenity. Serenity on the plane.
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  12. Darkzillicon
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    Darkzillicon Senior Member

    69534566597__28A93621-AAE3-4CDA-A95B-B911725D3012.jpg 3E81F1F7-5AE1-4FE7-B242-BCC35FA45B48.jpg

    I figured that i might as well hop on your thread... I am building a 18' Hickman sea sled I started in June of 2022. I have most of the framing fully complete I'm just working on the planking and updating my drawings and weight study.
    Last edited: Jan 23, 2023
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  13. DogCavalry
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    DogCavalry Senior Member

    Excellent, @Darkzillicon . Glad to have you drop by. But don't hide your sled in my thread, your sled deserves it's own showcase! Is your sea sled from plans? Inspired by another? Your own creation?
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  14. Darkzillicon
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    Darkzillicon Senior Member

    its 90% from the 1950s ish boatbuilder plans for an entirely plywood boat. I basically added more freeboard to the bow. I probably should make a thread I’ve been building for 7 months now.. lol
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  15. Darkzillicon
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    Darkzillicon Senior Member

    I meant to ask, are you running a four bladed prop on the outboard? I think in that size range you can even get a five blade. Those are supposed to help with the air rated water however, your mileage may vary, but it might be something worth trying.
    fallguy likes this.
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