Sea Ray 215 EC -2000 with Mercruiser 2.8 diesel

Discussion in 'Diesel Engines' started by JonasNorge, Jul 27, 2019.

  1. JonasNorge
    Joined: Jul 2019
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    JonasNorge New Member

    Heya all boat folks.

    I really need some fast help. I tried a boat today that i was really satesfied with. It lookes very good and runs very nice. But now ive been warned from a couple of boat folks here in Norway that i should NOT buy a boat with this engine.
    Can you guys please help me and tell me if this engine is so bad as they say?

    Ive tried to read a bit on the net and it looks like one problem is a leaking intercooler.

    If that is the "only" problem with those engines, is there a way to have this problem under control?
  2. Lepke
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    Lepke Junior Member

    I've been running marine diesels since the 1950s, my own marine diesels since 1961 and rebuilding them since 1969.
    Many engines have intercooler and heat exchanger problems over time. Cared for and kept clean the problems are not that often or costly.
    Most people from gas boats don't know how to care for a diesel. When they have problems, it's the engines fault.The coolant needs to be current, not just water and not many years in the engine without a flush.A diesel needs its fuel and oil to be reasonably clean. A good running diesel usually has 2 fuel filters, a primary about 30 micron or smaller that also separates out water and a secondary about 10 micron or smaller. The fuel, if it sits needs a conditioner the kills organisms that can form in the tank bottom if there's water present. The way to the fewest problems is to add a conditioner each fueling and try to use your fuel in 6-12 months. I use a conditioner every fueling and run 2 micron filters. I never have had a diesel fuel problem.
    If you have an intercooler, then you have a turbo. I think that engine is rated at 3800 rpm and designed for a variable load and full load only to be used at 3800 rpm 1 hour of every 8. Turbo engines create high exhaust gas temperatures. Running at full throttle continuously will cause premature wear in the cylinder components. Running at 3400 rpm will greatly increase the life of the engine and limit unnecessary repairs.
    There are lots of diesel forums on the web.
  3. JonasNorge
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    JonasNorge New Member

    Thank you Lepke for your quick response.

    My question is more about the specific engine of Mercruiser and not diesel overall (i might not have written that good enough due to not that good in english)

    I havent that much experience with diesel engines but have good experience with gas engines and cars.

    My biggest concern is that this specific engine is a "ticking bomb" as one of my friends said.

    The engine is a Mercruiser 2.8 litre D-tronic 160hp.
  4. baeckmo
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    baeckmo Hydrodynamics

    Hi Jonas,
    No, that engine (originally a VM-diesel engine) is certainly not "a ticking bomb", but there have been issues with leaking intercoolers. With the inlet ducts in the bottom of the intercooler housing (see below), any fluid "at the wrong side of the tubes" will find its way down into the number 1 or 4 cylinder, depending on engine inclination. If you are serious about the boat, demand a compression test; be certain that cylinders no 1/4 do not deviate from the others.

    If the engine starts and runs smoothly, then it is probably ok, and my advice is to have the intercooler checked by a cooler shop. They will pressurize it and renew the seals (see attached dwg). The intercooler is easily detached, check for salt incrusts/corrosion in the downpipes. When leaving the boat for long periods, drain the water from the intercooler (I installed a simple cock in the bottom of the front end cover (pos. 4 below), and when preparing for winter, flush some freshwater/glycol mixture through the unit and you will never have problems.

    We had trouble with one four cylinder and one six (out of nine engines installed, one "Mercruiser" and the rest VM original). Both had bad solderings in the tube bundles, causing slow leaks. They did not show up while running, but caused problems after periods of no use. In all other respects I really like this engine, it is light, sturdy and compact and delivers its power nice and smoothly.

  5. JonasNorge
    Joined: Jul 2019
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    JonasNorge New Member

    wow, thanks alot baeckmo.
    I will have it on compression test on monday. if it looks great ill buy the boat and demount the intercooler and have it preassuretested.

    i tried to search for that drawing on the internet just to have all the names of the different parts. do you know where i can get that?

    Is there a way to send pm here?
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