Screecher furler for jib

Discussion in 'Multihulls' started by catsketcher, Aug 9, 2015.

  1. catsketcher
    Joined: Mar 2006
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    catsketcher Senior Member

    I am getting very close to buying hardware for my rig and am just about to order sails.

    Before I do I would like to know if anyone has any experience with screecher type furlers on small multis like the F22 and such. It seems like it may work but I am loathe to put something on that I can't guarantee will stay furled in strong winds.

    Are people happy with using free luff furlers on working sails? It seems like a great idea for a trailerable boat but I may be incorrect.


  2. Zilver
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    Zilver Junior Member

    Hello Phil,

    My brother uses a self made endless line furler on his f22. It has worked good for a few years now. It is important that the jib has an anti-torsion rope in the luff, else it won't furl all the way and you end up with the top of the jib banging wildly in the onshore strong breeze :D.

    FYI here's a link to his blog where he describes his diy furler, made from an automotive pulley and a climbing swivel.

    Regards, Hans
  3. gonzo
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    gonzo Senior Member

    I have a free luff furler on an O'day 27. It works fine, except that it doesn't allow to reef furl; it is either in or out.
  4. waynemarlow
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    waynemarlow Senior Member

    Something I have been thinking about is with anti torsion rope as the forestay, one could furl from the top down, always ensuring a complete furl and making the bottom furling drum much simpler.

    Here is an example of a Jennaker but all the principals are the same.

    On the TC601 I had wondered about having all the drum and furling line built inside the cabin, keeping all the clutter off the decks.
  5. PAR
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    PAR Yacht Designer/Builder

    You need to decide what you want - a furler or a reefing furler. There's a big difference, both in the unit and the way the sail needs to be cut. Most have furlers, which simply are drums that roll up the sail. That's all they do. A reefing furler will permit (it's built stout enough) a partial furl (a reef), without tearing apart. There are lots of furlers with different engineering approaches, but not many reefing furlers. Naturally, the reefing types cost a bit more.

    As to the OP's question the KZ units are the way to go if you ask me, but everyone seems to make a top down, code or spinnaker furler that looks to work pretty well. You'll also might need to look for a structural furler (I don't know what your application is). You will also need to coordinate with your sailmaker, so you can get the appropriate luff line for your unit, especially if it's a structural furler.

  6. catsketcher
    Joined: Mar 2006
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    catsketcher Senior Member

    I have gone for the anti torque rope and the screecher type furler. If I don't like it then I can go back to a forestay and hanks.

    I really liked my screecher when cruising on the 38footer last year. Great sail and great set up. It should work well for a small jib too.


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