Scow Classe 950

Discussion in 'Services & Employment' started by pironiero, May 12, 2022.

  1. pironiero
    Joined: Apr 2020
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    Location: Pattaya, TH

    pironiero Coping

    I want wo build a scow version of classe950, I'm too dumb to make my own plans so I'm looking for a qualified person to do it for me.
    I know that Classe950 is mostly dead but its features are 90% what i want from my boat.
    I want to build it myself and I have place to do so, got working limbs, head and even got a father with boatbuilding experience(11m sloop and 16m ketch)

    Contact me at or here
  2. Kaptajnbob
    Joined: Nov 2023
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    Kaptajnbob New Member

    Did you have any luck finding a designer?
  3. pironiero
    Joined: Apr 2020
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    pironiero Coping

    I did, but the moment they found out I'm Russian-they ghosted me

  4. good rindo
    Joined: Dec 2021
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    good rindo Junior Member

    Hello sir, we can help you to make hull design including preliminary analyses based on naval architecture standards, you can check my portfolio on this page Halaman Home
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