Scow 450 Pocket Cruiser

Discussion in 'Sailboats' started by captainjo, Mar 29, 2016.

  1. captainjo
    Joined: Mar 2016
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    captainjo Junior Member


    I 'am a french boat designer and builder. My first "big" project is a 15' sailing scow with a quite large accomodation for 3/4 persons.
    My first rig was inspired by traditionnal Loire Valley barge and the Maltesse Falcon :p, it was a square sail with cambered yards.
    Now, after lots of modifications ans trials, i use a more conventionnal yawl rig.

    I don't know what you are thinking of scows, mainly for inlands waters.I would like to share my experience with other builders or persons interested by this simple concept.

    Feel free to react, even if you find it an ugly box ! :D





  2. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

    There is much more land than water and people, in general, does not have a tractor.
  3. Doug Lord
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    Doug Lord Flight Ready

    Daysailer/Weekender Scows

    Nice job! There is a lot of potential for scow daysailer/weekenders. Looks like you've had fun.
    Take a look(if you haven't already) at some of the Mini 650 racing scows-not the prettiest boats around but they've won some major races.
    Good Luck!
  4. Mr Efficiency
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    Mr Efficiency Senior Member

    Can someone walk me through this one ? It seems like a riddle of some sort ! :D
  5. Jamie Kennedy
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    Jamie Kennedy Senior Member

    I love how a plumb sided scow takes on a wing shape when heeled. Very cool.
  6. waikikin
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    waikikin Senior Member

    Maybe strong like bull, smart like tractor, not every one has a tractor?
  7. Mr Efficiency
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    Mr Efficiency Senior Member

    Nah. I'm still not getting it. Must be me. :)
  8. Westel
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    Westel Senior Member

    Very nice !!!

    Do you have some interior pictures, looks very spacious ? Love the way you used wood as much as possible.
  9. waikikin
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    waikikin Senior Member

    Cute boat though, I'd like to see it with headroom, I'm assuming the whole is 4' molded. It has personality & the windows look like eyes. Could be a good versatile operation for canal cruising, caravan when on trailer & generally just kicking back on. I see this As A ideAl plAtform for An A frAme mAst Also.

  10. The Q
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    The Q Senior Member

    It's an interesting Idea and I'd love to have a go sailing it to see how it performed.
    I must admit I'd have brought the bow end sides in a little, and to improve the windward ability I'd have based the rig on a Norfolk Wherry which has surprisingly good windward ability for what is effectively a type of river barge.

    In picture two the skipper seems to have an interest in other things than sailing!!
  11. Manie B
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    Manie B Senior Member

  12. captainjo
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    captainjo Junior Member

    Thanks for your comments lads,
    the last photo was our epic cruise at sea, in strong current and light winds.

    The "performance" was more on building the project on a very tight budget ( 1000 € / 1150 $ ).

    The sail are home made from old large bedsheet, incredible good quality, but not cut so well. The motor is a cheap 50 Lbs trolling electric one, usefull even at sea.

    We plan a extensif cruise in 2 weeks, with a new taller mast and sails, i will writing a report.

    Here the cabin, empty and messy, still with my crew member, also my brother.

  13. Mr Efficiency
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    Mr Efficiency Senior Member

    There is a lot to be said for recrangular plan hulls in small craft, stability-wise, however un-boatlike the appearance. This one looks like it would kick up a bit of spray, though.
  14. captainjo
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    captainjo Junior Member


    New pics of my Scow 450, we had a very nice cruise on the main sailing river "Erdre" of the west of France.






  15. Steve W
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    Steve W Senior Member

    Ive always thought that a scow type cruiser in a larger size would make a great live aboard. You cant get more room in a mono.
    I think you have done a great job of making in not too ugly which, is not easy with the size you are working with.
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