Scored a Donor Cat, What is it?

Discussion in 'Multihulls' started by Bigfork, May 21, 2018.

  1. Ike
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    Ike Senior Member

    Good Idea. But that is probably why the state assigned an HIN to the boat. The previous owner obliterated the HIN. That doesn't change the fact that the HIN the state assigned is wrong. It has too many characters.
  2. Al Snyder
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    Al Snyder Junior Member

    I scratched the rear upper section of both hulls. No engraving found. This is probably because fiberglass repairs were made on both ends. I see a layer of fabric & resin. I didn't want to scratch more, not to damage the repairs.

    Then, I went to DMV.
    They told me to remove the "N" at the end and write the remaining 12 chars in the section provided in the letter.
    So, I entered CFZ4999H0077
    They told me to leave the CF number as it is: CFZ4999HN

    Let's see what they will say (if any)..
  3. Ike
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    Ike Senior Member

    Normally I would say that HIN is still wrong. The 0077 doesn't make sense. Its saying the boat is a 77 model built in 2000. But unless you want to pursue this, and if California is satisfied, then just go with that. But if you asked the people at Coast Guard HQ who administer the HIN regulations, they would say it is wrong.

    BTW they have to be zeros because Os' are not allowed. O I and Q are not allowed because they can be confused with numbers.

  4. Al Snyder
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    Al Snyder Junior Member

    I know it doesn't make sense, but this is what DMV told me.

    It is not 2000 production.
    BTW, "zero" show as "0", as I previously stated.

    Let's see what the Title Dept.will say..
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