Scantling with ISO 12215

Discussion in 'Education' started by Pablo Sopelana, May 18, 2022.

  1. Pablo Sopelana
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    Pablo Sopelana Senior Member

    Scantling with ISO 12215
    Scantling with ISO 12215

    Providing sufficient structural strength is one of the main objectives of a designer of floating devices. Yet, one of the most neglected aspects in the design of small boats has been the calculation of their structures.

    Scantling is the process of defining and calculating the structural elements of a vessel.

    What will you learn?
    Compliance with ISO 12215 is mandatory for obtaining the CE marking and, therefore, for selling boats in the European Union. It applies to recreational and commercial craft and workboats up to 24 meters in length.

    This course will explain the ISO 12215-5 standard, carry out step-by-step manual detailed calculations for different hull structural elements, perform a complete calculation of a sailing yacht of 17 meters long (1) using dedicated scantling software, help analyze the results obtained, and explain why some solutions are more suitable than others.
    Scantling with ISO 12215

    Once finished, course students will be able to obtain precise information on weights and centers of gravity, which will allow them to carry out naval architecture calculations more accurately and enable the preparation of construction plans.

    During the course, the instructors will:
    • guide the students through the different procedures defined by the standard;
    • explain how to get the best out of each of those procedures;
    • provide reasoned criteria that will help in making decisions;
    • clarify peculiar situations that can be found in some types of structures;
    • provide solutions and perform calculations to structures not covered by the standard, such as the bulwark, floors, transoms, inboard engine mounts, etc.;
    • carry out step-by-step manual detailed calculations for different hull structural elements;
    • perform the scantling of a complete sailboat using the software SCT_Navalapp: structure, rigging (1), rudder, and keel-to-hull connection.
    (1) The course will start using the NBS standard for rig calculations. After the official launch, the course will be updated to include the ISO 12215 – 10 “Rig loads and rig attachment in sailing craft.”

    Course organization
    The course is video-based, self-paced, and on-demand at your convenience. Students can follow the course at their own pace from wherever they want.

    Students who complete the course will obtain a Certificate.

    Course students will also have access to the course’s virtual private classroom, where they can interact with the course instructors and fellow students.

    – Resources:
    • Video lessons.
    • Materials (pdf documents).
    • Student License to Scantling Software.
    • Virtual private classroom.
    • Quizzes.
    • Course Certificate
    Last edited: May 19, 2022
  2. Pablo Sopelana
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    Pablo Sopelana Senior Member

  3. Ad Hoc
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    Ad Hoc Naval Architect

    That is not correct.
    They simply state, most do, that the rules may give scantlings that appear greater than what would be expected. And as such they tend to treat the results on a case by case basis, subject to review.
    This is simply because as with any parametric analysis, results at the extremes can give erroneous results.

    We use Class rules for vessels below 24m all the time.
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  4. Pablo Sopelana
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    Pablo Sopelana Senior Member

    Hi @Ad Hoc ,

    Thanks for bringing this up.

    You are right in saying that the meaning of "Classification societies’ scantling regulations do not apply to vessels less than 24 meters in length" should be not 100% accurate because none of them explicitly forbid applying those regulations to vessels <24m.

    We wanted to highlight that most of them have been conceived for vessels > 24, and some of them explicitly state so.

    In fact, the only regulation that may explicitly state something about vessels < 24m would be Lloyd's Special Service Craft (SSC). But even in this case, the SSC clearly states in Section 2, Chapter 2, Point 2.1.1:
    " The rules are applicable to the following craft types ... :
    (d) Yachts of overall length, LOA, 24 metres or greater.

    Just to later say in Section 2, Chapter 2, Point 2.1.2:
    " The following craft types will be considered upon request on the basis of the Rules:
    (e) Craft with a Rule length, LR, less than 24 metres and draught to depth ratio greater than 0.55."

    The SSC has been, in fact, widely used for vessels < 24 metres until the ISO came into life.

    But for the sake of clarity and confusion avoidance, we will think of a better wording for our sentence.

    And as said before, thank you for pointing this out.
  5. Alik
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    Alik Senior Member

    Hmm, are you sure that you are qualified to teach? (Sorry to ask, but...)

    DNV has specific rules for boats below 24m, refer DNV Standard 0342. The document includes scantling rules.
    GL used to have rules for boats and yachts below 24m, still on DNV website.
    IRS, RS and many other rules do not restrict scantling by length.
    Ukrainian Register of Shipping has specific rules (incl.scantling) for craft below 24m, also covering commercial craft. So do RS and Vietnam Register, but those are only for recreational craft.
    These were just samples from my head. There are many more rules for craft below 24m, say CCS has rules for yachts, but I am not very familiar with those.

    We widely use rules of societies for craft below 24m. As well we use ISO12215-5 of course.
    Last edited: May 19, 2022
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  6. Pablo Sopelana
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    Pablo Sopelana Senior Member

    Hi @Alik ,

    Thanks for the inputs and the interest in the issue and course.

    I understand that are many different situations, procedures, countries, etc., and that each designer faces different challenges. That was not my point.

    Whatever the case, let me point you to the course (Scantling with ISO 12215 If really interested, you will learn there more about the instructors' qualifications, goals, materials, and of course the ISO standard.

    The course is in Early Access period which means you can take at a reduced price!

    By the way, we launched the course in Early Access 4 days ago and so far students from more than 17 countries are taken it.

    Recommended !
    Last edited: May 19, 2022
  7. Alik
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    Alik Senior Member

    Frankly speaking, I dont think I can learn much from Your team regarding ISO12215. At some stage, I was a part of ISO12215-7 group and know something ;)
    The thing is, being yacht designer, you make statements regarding other aspects of naval architecture, on small craft design in particular - please be careful. There are many scantling rules for craft below 24m and people work with them.

    But might be interesting to take your yacht design course. Yacht design is a nice hobie.
  8. Ad Hoc
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    Ad Hoc Naval Architect

    Well, im sorry but as engineers we need to be clear and unambiguous when providing information and guidance. .
    Your statement about:

    Is very explicit.
    Thus, you need to be clear - what is your point?
  9. Pablo Sopelana
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    Pablo Sopelana Senior Member

    Hi @Alik ,

    You are more than welcome to the course Sailing Yacht Design.

    Btw, Navalapp has also a community. The only requirements to join are an unrestricted desire to learn, share your knowledge, and constructively support others in their journey. It would be nice to see you there.
  10. Pablo Sopelana
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    Pablo Sopelana Senior Member

    Sorry @Ad Hoc , it could be that my point was not very clear, my bad. Whatever the case, I can assure you that my point was in my former post. Please review. Thanks.
  11. Alik
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    Alik Senior Member

    Thanks, I always learn something, will join some day...
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  12. Pablo Sopelana
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    Pablo Sopelana Senior Member

    The online course "Scantling with ISO 12215" is now available.
    Scantling with ISO 12215

    It contains:
    52 Video lessons
    Students' documentation (>180 pages)
    29 Quizzes
    Virtual Private Classroom
    Scantling Software & Software Student License
    Course Certificate

    The course is self-paced and on-demand at your convenience.

    Course students will also have access to the course's virtual private classroom to interact with the course instructors and fellow students.

    Students who complete the course will obtain a Certificate.

    Students from more than 26 countries have already signed up.

    Ready to take action?

    Enjoy the course!

    sailing_yacht_1.png hull_zones_iso_12215.png Scantling_course_2_logo.png Keel_1.png Keel_2_1.png SCT_Navalapp.png design_the_structure.png moulded_lines.png Scantling_documentation.png

    Attached Files:

  13. Pablo Sopelana
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    Pablo Sopelana Senior Member

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