
Discussion in 'Sailboats' started by pogo, Jul 7, 2015.

  1. pogo
    Joined: Mar 2010
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    pogo ingenious dilletante

  2. whitepointer23

    whitepointer23 Previous Member

    Nice. I need to win lotto now.
  3. JSL
    Joined: Nov 2012
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    JSL Senior Member

    Hmmm. A large McGregor.
  4. PAR
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    PAR Yacht Designer/Builder

    A quick look at her spec's shows she's a bit of a pig. The 350 HP engine on a 40' yacht seems well, a lot more than necessary and she maxes out at 20 knots. I have a 65' sailboat with a 150 HP diesel and she's able to do 22 knots, touch 24 in dead flat calm water and I don't have to retract any appendages either. The SailJet 40 carries a 1,200 ballast on a 11,000 pound boat, for a pretty lousy ballast ratio. Hummmm, something just doesn't smell right about this puppy . . .
  5. whitepointer23

    whitepointer23 Previous Member

    Got pics par. 150 for 22 knots. Is it a flatty with an 8 ft beam.
  6. rcnesneg
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    rcnesneg Senior Member

    God no... Eww... No. Ballast ratio of about 10%? Uh.... 60% makes me happy.
  7. PAR
    Joined: Nov 2003
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    PAR Yacht Designer/Builder

    63' LWL, 11' 7" beam, 50% ballast ratio Brendan. She's very good with the sheets eased, but a little tender up wind.
  8. whitepointer23

    whitepointer23 Previous Member

    Thats a big boat. Very efficient under power.
  9. pogo
    Joined: Mar 2010
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    pogo ingenious dilletante

    Pics , drawings and datasheet , please.

  10. PAR
    Joined: Nov 2003
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    PAR Yacht Designer/Builder

    It's a 30 year old production boat, nothing new or innovative, just good early sled numbers, like a 54 D/L .
  11. pogo
    Joined: Mar 2010
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    pogo ingenious dilletante


    65' big, doin' 24knots with 150HP

  12. goodwilltoall
    Joined: Jul 2010
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    goodwilltoall Senior Member

    Best classic fiberglass sailboat ever built. The MacGregor 65

  13. JSL
    Joined: Nov 2012
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    JSL Senior Member

    Yes- I forgot about the McGregor 65.
    A friend has a 26 and it works well in our area where tide flow can be 2-3 knots and passes run up to 10+ knots, the best being Sechelt Rapids (Skookumchuck) at around 15- 17 knots.
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