Sailing canoe keels?

Discussion in 'Sailboats' started by Dirteater, Feb 9, 2011.

  1. Dirteater
    Joined: Oct 2010
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    Dirteater Senior Member

    Do all Sailing canoes use a keel of some kind?
    by this I mean do all sailing canoes (that sail) use some form of keel, lee board, daggerboard?

    I would think it impossible to sail a canoe with out one.
    or is possible to sail a canoe without some form of a keel/board?

    my thought would be that they would use a centerboard configuration.

  2. Doug Lord
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    Doug Lord Flight Ready

    sailing canoe

    You hit on what would be required. There are reasons to consider every type of lateral resistance you mentioned and I've seen just about all of them on various designs. The way you intend to use the canoe would help to decide what would work best in your case. Good Luck!

    PS- variations could include small fins on an ama(small outrigger hull) that isn't in the water when the boat is level-I'll find an example. This has the shallowest draft and requires the least attention BUT you have more initial complication, cost and effort to build-just another idea to consider.....

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  3. Dirteater
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    Dirteater Senior Member

    Thanks Doug,

    I figured as much, and as odd as it may seem,
    there are not many graphics around showing what "keel" version
    being used on many types of canoes.

    There's quite a bit on sail(s) rigging and such,'
    but not "keels"

    I wish there were more graphics showing the bottom of the canoe.
  4. Doug Lord
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    Doug Lord Flight Ready

    sailing canoe

    I think that's probably because most people using canoes opt for shallow draft. Are you looking to build one or modify an existing canoe?
  5. Dirteater
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    Dirteater Senior Member

    Just looking into some current design ideas. :idea:
  6. DCockey
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    DCockey Participant

    In the 19th century some sailing canoes used a metal centerboard with multiple, fan-like, blades which folded into a case which was only 3 or 4 inches tall. Not the most efficient for hydrodynamics but great for not eating up space inside the canoe.
  7. DCockey
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  8. Dirteater
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    Dirteater Senior Member

    thanks DC,
    I'll check them out. :)
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