Saildrone makes history

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by baywatcher, Nov 5, 2013.

  1. baywatcher
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    baywatcher Junior Member

    Saildrone, a fully autonomous sail boat, arrived in Hawaii last night from San Francisco. This makes it the first drone to sail across an ocean and breaks all autonomous sailing records.
    Quite a feat.
  2. SamSam
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    SamSam Senior Member

    Does it know anything about right-of-way?
  3. michael pierzga
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    michael pierzga Senior Member

    Thats the problem. A ship will just crunch it up.
    If it collides with a small craft it will be a disaster

    At present the sea is full of autonomous vehicles

    http://[​IMG] imagen jpg
  4. baywatcher
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    baywatcher Junior Member


    A drifting array is not an intelligent drone!
    Not even close.
    Saildrone would loose if hit by anything large but it has AIS and collision avoidance systems.
    It tacks, jibes and sails it doesn't float around waiting to be run over!
    So while the sea has a lot of "drifters" out there other than Liquid Robotics which is a wave glider and very slow there are no intelligent sailing drones out there.
  5. michael pierzga
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    michael pierzga Senior Member


    Intelligent drone.

    Run that by me again
  6. baywatcher
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    baywatcher Junior Member

    Are you serious?

    I wouldn't waste my time trying to explain a complex piece of scientific equipment to someone who thinks a drifter is an autonomous vehicle!
    Saildrone is designed to deploy things like global drifters.
    You can go on NOAA's website and learn about global drifters, interesting stuff but not autonomous vehicles.
  7. kerosene
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    kerosene Senior Member

    Very cool. I have spent some time daydreaming about a solar only autonomous drone that could travel the world for me and send an occasional photo.
    Are you involved with the project?
    I am impressed by the speed and the fact that itvhas survived. How is it designed to take a massive breaking wave? The rigid sail looks so vulnerable.
  8. michael pierzga
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    michael pierzga Senior Member

    Gee, no need to waste your time .......simply tell me how this drone will satisfy the rule....shall maintain a sharp-lookout at all times.
  9. lohring
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    lohring Junior Member

    How about something like this in a lot lower density and more intelligent traffic at sea?

    Lohring Miller
  10. michael pierzga
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    michael pierzga Senior Member

    A drone automobile makes sense because it travels a known route ...the autoroute via a a train. This route could be equipped with sensors to help the drone automobile navigate.

    A seagoing drone could never travel on a known, preprogramed route .
  11. NoEyeDeer
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    NoEyeDeer Senior Member

    Actually it could, in theory anyway.
  12. michael pierzga
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    michael pierzga Senior Member

  13. NoEyeDeer
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    NoEyeDeer Senior Member

    Just needs reference points to navigate by. Assuming wind and current don't overpower it, it should work.
  14. michael pierzga
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    michael pierzga Senior Member

    If your destination is south and the wind becomes south your course needs to be adjusted 45 degrees.

    It a high pressure cell is building on your course you will be becalmed for days sailing in circles.
    The scenarios are many

  15. NoEyeDeer
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    NoEyeDeer Senior Member

    Sure, but it can work. This thing wouldn't have reached Hawaii otherwise. Unexpected things can happen on the road too. I can't see that a drone automobile is intrinsically safer than a sailing drone. In fact, I'd say the higher speeds and higher mass involved make it more dangerous.
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