Sailboat Radome Mounting Method

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by DouglasEagleson, Mar 15, 2016.

  1. DouglasEagleson
    Joined: Nov 2015
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    DouglasEagleson Junior Member

    Take a compromise forstay design. Use a 7/8 rig. So have a minimum vertical length of 3 feet of top mast to locate a radar radome mount. Put the radome at the top of the mast there. The weight of the radome unit is a minimal ballasting issue.

    Make a freeswinging mount plate left and right heel wise. And heel pivot connection for it. Use a small mass below the pivot point to balance the unit. Put a five pound ball of lead to cause correct mount plate angle. This means a mount plate always parallel to the sea surface. Giving a nonheeling system. An always level radome.

    This mass is a fairly minimal ballast consideration. Take a small ballast hit design wise.

    Using x-band weather radar means using everything modern technology has to offer. Furuno model 1835 $3K small price to pay.
  2. gonzo
    Joined: Aug 2002
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    gonzo Senior Member

    That's a new one, ballast up in the mast. Are you going to a capsize competition?
  3. PAR
    Joined: Nov 2003
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    PAR Yacht Designer/Builder

    They do have precisely just what you're describing (gimbaled radar mount), though they don't add additional weight to get it to self center. In fact, every effort to keep it as light as possible is employed, because unlike your assumptions about "a minimal ballasting issue" (whatever this really means) are grotesquely incorrect. These domes typically are in the 25 to 30 pound range and placing a 30 pound weight at that height, especially if gimbaled, will have a significant impact on the boat's stability curve. This isn't much of a problem on a hefty, relatively small cruiser or a large yacht, but on a typical production boat, under 40', yeah an issue to consider.
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