sailboat identification?

Discussion in 'Sailboats' started by quizzical, Apr 5, 2012.

  1. quizzical
    Joined: Apr 2012
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    quizzical New Member

    I have just purchased what the seller refers to as a Norstar Anastasia. I am sceptical. Lots of pictures at:

    Boat previously must have had bowsprit. Any help would be greatly appreciated. It was previously documented with the USCG with an "IMO or other number" of NSB3201, if that helps. Thanks.
  2. kenJ
    Joined: Jul 2005
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    kenJ Senior Member

    That is the Hull Identification Number, not the documentation number. The boat was manufactured by NORTHERN STATES BOAT WORKS, 2361 COUNTY ROAD 40, NEW LONDON MN. The company went out of business in 2005. The owner was Charles T. Hunt, phone is listed as (320) 354-7249. Not sure how current any of this info is. You also might be able to get some more information by tracking down the title and previous owners through the state registration number on the bow.
  3. lewisboats
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    lewisboats Obsessed Member

    I think you might run into privacy issues there but maybe not.

  4. quizzical
    Joined: Apr 2012
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    quizzical New Member

    Northern Star Boatworks?

    Strange. A satellite picture just shows farmland at that address. It's pretty far from bodies of water appropriate for a 34 foot sailboat. Thanks.
    Last edited: Apr 6, 2012
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