Sailboat hull around a steel shipping container

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by exp30002, Nov 23, 2015.

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  1. exp30002

    exp30002 Previous Member

    Has anyone done accretion of a boat hull out of seawater with
    electricity and electrodes? Biorock/seacrete method (Hilbertz et all...)
  2. whitepointer23

    whitepointer23 Previous Member

    You have gone from silly to ridiculous. Look up the underwater train thread. You will like it.
  3. exp30002

    exp30002 Previous Member

    Just remember and amateur built the arc,
    and 'professionals' built the Titanic.
  4. Squidly-Diddly
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    Squidly-Diddly Senior Member

    Are you trying to escape from Cuba?
  5. Mr Efficiency
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    Mr Efficiency Senior Member

    This reminds a little of the fella that built a sailing boat around a boxy inner accomodation structure, using wire mesh and sprayed PU foam, eventually glassing it after some sculpting of the foam. Thread here somewhere. I seem to recall that the idea did not meet with any real approval, but that might have been as much to do with his being not very accepting of any criticism !
  6. Rurudyne
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    Rurudyne Senior Member

    I think the sequel was "Los Angeles" ... of course Captain Ron (same star and, oddly, similar look) featured an escape from Cuba. :p
  7. whitepointer23

    whitepointer23 Previous Member

    The ark is a fairy tale and the titanic hit an iceberg.
  8. exp30002

    exp30002 Previous Member

    Los Angeles

    The unbeleiver.

    Do you think the Earth is flat?
    Do you do anything useful too or just argue in Cyberspace?

    The professionals hit an iceberg. -))
    Are you from the crew of Costa Concordia?

    The Earth is flat meets with criticism, the Earth is round meets with criticism.
    I go with practical experience. I think the earth is round (sphere),
    spherical, so keep argue about the exactly right word.

    I am gone sailing. I'll be back.

    Hey, buddy, I nicely diverted the conversation from the
    steel container. Now you are at the Titanic and the Arc.
    Stay there. Go with either one.
  9. whitepointer23

    whitepointer23 Previous Member

    Because i don't believe in god means i think the world is flat. Ok. Guess i don't have your practical experience. :D

    :Why do you want to build a boat out of a container anyway. What are you sailing now. you just need a seaworthy comfortable cruiser with a dry cabinet for your medication.:D:D
  10. Mr Efficiency
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    Mr Efficiency Senior Member

    Might be better for the OP to expand on his idea, and show what he plans to do, rather than trumpet the line that the orthodoxy is wrong, and there are better ways.
  11. rwatson
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    rwatson Senior Member

    The Ark never existed.

    Icebergs and rocks were never part of the design brief for the Titanic
  12. Mr Efficiency
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    Mr Efficiency Senior Member

    I don't know whether the Ark existed, but if it did, the challenge would have been in the live animal collection, husbandry and housing, rather than the construction !
  13. exp30002

    exp30002 Previous Member

    You guys are off topic.
    The topic is about steel container.
  14. exp30002

    exp30002 Previous Member

    I am interested about the PU foam.

  15. Mr Efficiency
    Joined: Oct 2010
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    Mr Efficiency Senior Member

    There was a thread about it, probably a few years old now. Couldn't find it with words I put into the search function. He may have been an Australian. :rolleyes:
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