Sailboat Balance

Discussion in 'Sailboats' started by captjj, Jul 19, 2012.

  1. captjj
    Joined: Oct 2009
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    captjj captjj

    In order to create weather helm, is the main mast rake increased or decreased? This is a 43ft ketch, 39,000lb.
    Thanks, James
  2. daiquiri
    Joined: May 2004
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    Increased, because you want to move the C.E. aft.
  3. Angélique
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    Angélique aka Angel (only by name)

    I've just looked back, how did the problem reverse . . . ? ?

    At what sail settings do you have what problem . . . ? ?

  4. PAR
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    The original poster's question is ambiguous at best. The first thing that should be established is are you dealing with a weather (or lee) helm issue or is it something else? On a close hauled course in moderate wind strengths, how much rudder deflection is required to hold a steady course? The general conditions of the sails, the rig and the most importantly the skill of the helmsman? With this and some other information you can begin to sort out what's going on with your boat.
  5. Angélique
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    Angélique aka Angel (only by name)

    This is the third thread about this issue...

    Here from the same poster almost the same question with responses . . . . :idea:

    Only the problem is reversed now* . . . :confused:

    But the in the previous responses asked additional information to track down the issue and establish the cause was not given yet . . . . :confused:


    P.S. - * Capt J J, whatever you changed, best change it half back and see if the middle is alright . . ;)
  6. PAR
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    PAR Yacht Designer/Builder

    I'm in complete agreement with Greg's replies on that other thread. What people usually call weather helm is more often then not something else, so the original poster needs to answer a number of question first, before weather helm can be assumed.

    It's possible he's just looking for a generic answer, in which case you rake forward to ease weather helm, aft to increase it. Conversely, you can also add lateral area aft to decrease weather helm or remove it to increase it. This doesn't mean hacking away at the keel, but more often, rudder and/or skeg modifications.

    Again, without participation from the original poster, it's not going to be determined.
  7. captjj
    Joined: Oct 2009
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    captjj captjj

    Thanks to all

    Looks like I have a lot of other areas to consider. I'll have her out sailing again soon and will try different sail trims. The traveller suggestion might very well apply as I tend not to adjust it.I certainly won't be doing any hull, keel or rudder modifications' Again, Thanks, James:):)

  8. PAR
    Joined: Nov 2003
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    PAR Yacht Designer/Builder

    What's the condition of your sails? How much rudder deflection do you need, to hold a straight close hauled course, in 10 knots of wind?
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