Safety.Accesibility.Sustainability (S.A.S.)---Disabled Foiling Project

Discussion in 'Sailboats' started by Doug Lord, Mar 1, 2019.

  1. Doug Lord
    Joined: May 2009
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    Doug Lord Flight Ready

    S.A.S. Project

    Dedicated to Safety, the Accessibility and Sustainability this project embraces the goal of producing a sailing boat that allows access to all the people that want to sail in foiling mode; the disabled sailors are the main users targeted to use this boat, but beginners and weekend sailors are in the program as well.

    Foiling together is the claim of this project. #everyonecanfoil The SailHub Onlus is the recipient of the final boat produced. Max Sirena, will discuss the values and why it is important to back this project up in the making, as foiling sailor.

    More to come as more is learned about this Project.

    Foiling Awards prize giving - photo © Giovanni Mitolo / Foiling Week

    Guillame Verdier will take over the boat's design and Persico Marine will build it. Movendo Technology, the robotic medical company owned by Dompé holdings, IIT, Italian Institute of Technology and the three maker-founders, supports the initiative with Hunova, the first robotic system for rehabilitation and functional motor sense evaluation of lower limbs and trunk, that allows professionals in the orthopedics, neurology, geriatrics and sport rehabilitation field to predict and treat many neurological and orthopedic pathologies.
    Designed by foiling guru Guillaume Verdier, the first prototype, the IRUS 5.5, is under construction in Lorient: the boat is a mini-IMOCA with dali foils, swing keel and double T rudders. Once tested with modified seats and controls the new boat will be built at the world class facilities of Persico Marine.Feb 14, 2019

    Disabled Foiler and or Foil Assist-New Irus by Guillaume Verdier:
    IRUS ablebodied and disabled together proto designed by Verdier conceived by Foiling Week.jpg

    Original IRUS by Guillaume Verdier:
    Verdier Design-med_Irus_Nav_3.jpg
    Last edited: Mar 1, 2019
  2. Doug Lord
    Joined: May 2009
    Posts: 16,679
    Likes: 351, Points: 93, Legacy Rep: 1362
    Location: Cocoa, Florida

    Doug Lord Flight Ready

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