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S-2 glass fiber roving, 5 and 15 pound spools

Discussion in 'Marketplace' started by BillyDoc, Aug 18, 2007.

  1. BillyDoc
    Joined: May 2005
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    BillyDoc Senior Member

    I have a total of 70 pounds of S-2 glass roving left over from a project several years ago. This roving was made by Owens-Corning under license from AGY Inc., and is in five 5 pound spools and three 15 pound spools. The five pound spools are type 933AA – 750, product code 71C71613, and the fifteen pound spools are type 463AA – 250, product code 71C71443 (see photos). Data for the 933 glass may be found here: http://www.agy.com/products/s2/PDFs/933_RovingEnglish.pdf, and data for the 463 glass may be found here: http://www.agy.com/products/s2/PDFs/463_RovingEnglish.pdf.

    The cartons for the spools I have were water-damaged during one of our many hurricanes, but the contents are in protective plastic bags and appear in as-manufactured excellent condition with no damage.

    Significant benefits of S-2 glass over conventional glass are: Over 85% more tensile strength in resin impregnated strands. Better fiber toughness, modulus of resilience and impact deformation. Enhanced stiffness. Excellent tolerance to damage accumulation. Quick wet-out. S-2 glass is commonly used for armor.

    Let me know if you want some of this stuff. I'll sell the fifteen pound spools for $150 each, and the five pound spools for $75 each (plus shipping and FL tax, if applicable).

    Fair winds.


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  2. Harv88
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    Harv88 New Member

    S2 roving

    I am interested in a 5 pound spool, is there still some available?
  3. BillyDoc
    Joined: May 2005
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    BillyDoc Senior Member

    Hi Paul,

    Still some left. Let me know where you are and I'll find out about shipping.

  4. Harv88
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    Harv88 New Member

    Bill, I sent you some info via the forum email option.

  5. Bille
    Joined: Apr 2021
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    Bille New Member

    Do you have any S-2 roving left ?

    Thanks Bille
    Last edited: May 4, 2021
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