Russian around the world inflatable sailing cat ended by shark attacks

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by Squidly-Diddly, Sep 6, 2023.

  1. BlueBell
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    BlueBell . . . _ _ _ . . . _ _ _

    How do you know it was made of hypalon?
  2. skaraborgcraft
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    skaraborgcraft Senior Member

    I dont. The question was do you think hypalon would survive?
  3. BlueBell
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    BlueBell . . . _ _ _ . . . _ _ _

    To which you replied "obviously not".
    What makes it so obvious if it wasn't made of hypalon?
    I think you had best read the article before making comments.
  4. dustman
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    dustman Senior Member

    We are currently in the midst of the 6th mass extinction. Not caused by giant meteors, volcanoes, and the like, but by humans. Without a well functioning ecosystem we will all die, period. The majority of shark species are now endangered. Estimates say we are down to 10% of the number of sharks there were before large scale commercial fishing began.
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  5. skaraborgcraft
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    skaraborgcraft Senior Member

    Maybe you could do your own research on the puncture resistance of hypalon and PVC type materials, or, if you wish to argue over semantics, then perhaps join the Wooden Boat Forum.

    Wether it was made of hypalon , EPDM or PVC or a mixture of all, the evidence is clear that it can be punctured by sharks. More than a few reports that hypalon Avon liferafts have been punctured by sharks. Ergo, it is already proven hypalon is not shark proof, and if this boat is a PVC/hybrid construction, then that is not shark proof either. Logical conclusion.
  6. comfisherman
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    comfisherman Senior Member

    Well this thread brought about a happy conversation and some fun memories. Old crewman and I couldn't find any pic of the boat, ones I took died on a tablet that fall and all he had were selfie pics of the guys out on the town. Trying to track down some pics of the boat but to no avail. Ak boats and permits had it listed for about a year and it sat on the homer spit in a yard for a year or so. Can't remember what type of cloth it was mad from but doubt any were shark proof.

    When we bumped into them they had started at a lake, run down a long river (baikal I think) crossed the narrow point between rus and ak, sailed down around the peninsula and made it just south of kodiak when we met them. Considering the distance again to where it was lost.... some brave individuals.

    Hypalon is better than pvc... but its a % better, not a miracle better.

    Maybe sharks are low in # globally, but absolutely have exploded in number in my corner of the ocean. Happily so have all the forage fish down the line, sadly its not viable to ship them to areas in need. Lord knows we had to many fish this year. And for thr wolf analogy.... the numbers are so vast in the district my cabin resides the state has dropped all hunting restrictions on them. Sadly the herds of 1000s of caribou from my moms youth became hundreds in my youth... now it's years between herd sightings. Eventually the wolves will starve, they have eaten everything else. Nature will find stasis with or without or input, it always does.

    Back on subject, it might be possible to dig up an archive listing of the boat from the ifq alaska brokerage account. My crewman sent a fb message to the owner, but said his last activity was years old.
    BlueBell likes this.
  7. Dave G 9N
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    Dave G 9N Senior Member

    Great Scott, not the WBF!

    Agreed, Hypalon was as good an example as any. The specific elasotmer is of little consequence when discussing the cut resistance of fiber reinforced flexible membranes. The most cut resistant elastomer might be polyurea (only a guess), but my money is on selecting the best fiber. If you want your inflatable to survive this cross between a shark, lamprey, candiru and remora, and don't want to deal with wire mesh, Spectra or Kevlar may be the only viable choices. As for great white sharks, ANSI A9 cut resistant glove mesh may be the only option.
  8. portacruise
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    portacruise Senior Member

    Why not just use a shark repellent of some kind? Seems like electrodes could be rigged up hanging off the inflatable boat, with what ever power is needed to keep them away?
    C. Dog likes this.
  9. comfisherman
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    comfisherman Senior Member

    The "cabin" was tarps Over string, the power was from a single engine air cooled generator or the outboards...... navigation was a smart phone app.

    Probably not the power needed for shark repellant
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  10. Dave G 9N
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    Dave G 9N Senior Member

    So let me get this straight. You were stopped from fishing for endangered species because you weren't catching enough of them?

    "Once aboard the Sounion, the [Russian] crew learned that their rescuers were Ukrainians." Anyone appreciate the irony there? The raft should have had some kind of emergency patch kit for emergency repairs because a random shark bite is a reasonable thing to anticipate. One big shark will leave a few slits. Perhaps these little buggers made more numerous odd shaped holes? I can't see them gulping masses of air while they finish making a round hole though. Who would have anticipated the mini shark attack in a place where it has never happened before? (Because no one was ever crazy enough to provide the opportunity?) I would give them a pass for failing to anticipate multiple attacks by itty bitty unheard of sharks.


    Plywood probably feels a lot less like a snack than a raft.
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  11. Ike
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    Ike Senior Member

    LMAO I haven't laughed that hard in years!
  12. comfisherman
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    comfisherman Senior Member

    Eh, global govts foment conflict. People's rarely share the same view of one another. Doubtful anyone had a strong opinion or another towards the rescuer.
    C. Dog and skaraborgcraft like this.
  13. Dave G 9N
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    Dave G 9N Senior Member

    Irony and humor have no bearing on that reality. Nobody hesitates to rescue the crew of a sinking ship.

    At the height of the cold war, if the CCCP asked the US for the DSRV to rescue one of their sub crews, the US Navy would be there to help. They did not design their own because they had an agreement in place. The design for the hatch was shared to be sure that the boats would be compatible. At the same time, if a boomer had an attack sub hiding in its prop wash, and the boomer made the wrong noise, the attack boat would sink it before it could launch a missile. Go figure. There was s Russian 'trawler' sitting on top of every boomer during a test launch, so they knew what to listen for.
  14. fallguy
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    fallguy Boat Builder

    We have no moose numbers here anymore. Overpredation is part of why..

  15. kach22i
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    kach22i Architect

    Thank you for the probable explanation.

    Do I ever have the free documentary film for you.

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