Russia sees huge arctic oil fields under the sea.

Discussion in 'All Things Boats & Boating' started by sdowney717, Nov 6, 2014.

  1. sdowney717
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    sdowney717 Senior Member

    Supposedly they have studied the area and are laying claims at the feet of the UN for approval. I doubt anyone will be able to oppose the actions in significant way.
    And they will pump them as they find them, long live hydrocarbon fuels!

    IPCC should just admit they cant stop the use of these fuels, perhaps the EU will regress further economically diminish becoming more 3rd world like.
  2. daiquiri
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    daiquiri Engineering and Design

    Sounds like you are looking at it like it was a football game.
    But we are all walking on the same planet, and it is a small one. Whichever team loses the game, you and I and everyone else will lose it too.
  3. sdowney717
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    sdowney717 Senior Member

    Yes, I suppose so, nation states compete with one another and all through history. The last IPCC position of total abandonment of hydrocarbon fuels from the earth shows how desperate they are. It is always we are one step away from disaster and must do this but it is not too late story, been pushing this one for many years.
  4. daiquiri
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    daiquiri Engineering and Design

    How many is "many years"?
  5. ImaginaryNumber
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    ImaginaryNumber Imaginary Member

    What Dutch disease is, and why it's bad | The Economist
  6. Alik
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    Alik Senior Member

    I don't think Dutch disease is an issue.

    Loss of 25% of Russian rouble value is due to economical war in form of sanctions imposed by the West. On other side, Ukrainian hrivna lost 50% of its value, again due to the neo-nazi Maydan coup and now civil war brought by the West into Ukraine. Nothing good, but we Russians and Ukrainians will not give up to these sanctions.

    Right now some boat builders in Russia are experiencing problems with purchase 'dual purpose technologies', say engines and spare parts for high speed boats. But this can be resolved - say, Korean engines are still available. Russian-made engines are heavy in small HP range, but above 1200HP there are good ones. There are Russian made jet drives. Composites - there is a trend to use high-quality glass, carbon, resins, foam cores made in Russia; no DIAB anymore especially for government orders. So these sanctions just stimulate development of own technologies; it might be hard due to limited choice in some areas now, but is getting better.
  7. daiquiri
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    daiquiri Engineering and Design

    The sanctions to Russia are harming the EU as well, and they are harming it a big time. The latest economic indicators of the EU countries are merciless. It is such a dumb western politics, clearly aimed towards the escalation of the conflict. Why was this path chosen, that's what I still don't grasp.

    I fully agree with this article:

    With the Islamic state advancing and rooting in the whole mid-east and Northern Africa, the West has chosen the wrong enemy to fight, while the money is running short. So dumb.
  8. Alik
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    Alik Senior Member

    Interesting paper, but it is also biased, and some comments show complete brainwash:

    What is Hague Court? This is basically a court of NATO and it won't be internationally recognized. At least not in Russia. They killed Miloshevich (claiming 50 killed men 18-50 years old with gunpowder on their hands as 'genocide'). They kept Voislav Sheshel since 2003 without any verdict. It is not a court, it is circus of justice - typical hypocrisy of Western world.

    And about Ukraine. I am Ukrainian national and fully support actions of Russia to protect people from Nazi thugs. There are millions of Ukrainians sharing the same ideas. Right now here is strong political terror by new 'government'; people not sharing Nazi slogans are attacked on the street and in their houses, some are arrested for posts in Facebook and total number of political prisoners now exceeding 4000. Some people just disappear - as journalists and opposition activists. This government is illegitimate and can hardly come to power by fair elections; those are all bankrupt politicians but they were backed by the West for the coup; note it was committed during Olympic games in Russia. Now Ukrainian army is selling their own cities and using ballistic missiles against their own people whom they are 'protecting'. In this respect, the situation in Crimea which was 'annexed' by Russia is calm with full support of the locals! So blaming Russia for what? Ukrainian government members are the real international criminals committing war crimes!

    And this is the meeting of 'Ukrainian government', how it looks now:
  9. Alik
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    Alik Senior Member

    And here are some whom the West is supporting in this conflict:
    and many others!

    Many officers of regular army, police and reservists refused to participate in this.

    Ukrainian government officially use Neo-nazi regiments to suppress the population and rebels in the East. They do not protect them, they just commit ethnic cleansing making Russian-cultural Ukrainians either leave or die. And of course the West will blame Putin... what a hypocrisy.
  10. ImaginaryNumber
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    ImaginaryNumber Imaginary Member

    Everything I have seen leads me to think that Putin's only concern is to enrich himself and his cronies. To do that Russia wishes to keep a choke-hold on Europe by being a major supplier of oil and gas. He also will do what it takes to stifle any challenge to his leadership and whip up unwarranted nationalistic fervor in the populace -- who are otherwise getting a pretty raw deal.

    Putin’s Friend Profits in Purge of Schoolbooks | New York Times
  11. Alik
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    This is what CNN tells You, yes :D So, You want to say that Western politicians do not act in favor of financial clans supporting them? Come on...

    To tell the truth, among today's top politicians there are very few leaders, but most of them are just clerks. Putin IS the leader doing good for his country. He has balls to face the challenges. And here is just a puppet. And here also - look at his photo, what can one say about this schizoid. Want more pics? :D
  12. sdowney717
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    sdowney717 Senior Member

    What we read is filtered through the bias of the media, in whatever country you live, they attempt to steer public thought in a desired direction. And the direction is determined by their overlords, whoever has the power will wield it.
  13. daiquiri
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    daiquiri Engineering and Design

    That is an over-simplification. I don't think that it is his major concern, though it could be a desireable goal for him - just as it is for a majority of politicians nowadays. We all know that old saying - politicians, like diapers, should be changed often; and for the same reason. He is no different for sure.

    The problem is - Russia has not yet been completely restructured and healed from the devastating days of the fall of the Soviet Union, and from the looting of former state companies by the local mafia. Putin has arrived to them as a God-sent miracle after the disastrous period of Eltsin, who was apparently more concerned about which brand of vodka and how many bottles should he consume on any given day. Being a tough and methodical guy he seem to have managed to put Russian state back on track of normality, although the price to pay was a lack of true democracy (though we could start a long discussion about what is a democracy and whether we, the western world, truly have it).

    So Putin is, IMO, still a necessary key-person in Russia. without him, the mafia and corruption would very soon put the country in chaos, and we are talking about a country with 140 million persons. With Russia in chaos, the rest of the world would very soon follow, especially with the events which are happening in the Middle-east.

    Fact is - and you might not like this claim - right now, the world needs a stable Russia. Be it with Putin or without him.
  14. daiquiri
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    daiquiri Engineering and Design

    Amen to this.

  15. Alik
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    Alik Senior Member

    A yes, and here is one more puppet:
    Canada is deeply concerned... about Russian troops on Russian territory! What a nonsense, what drugs this guy is taking? Last week Ukrainian TV interviewed newly 'democratically elected' Parliament Members. Some of those Nazi, already wearing camouflage, claim the Russian territories of Kuban and Belgorod provinces. Is Canada concerned about that as well?
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