Rule Bending 50ft Houseboat ???

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by lotusman1951, Jun 15, 2015.

  1. lotusman1951
    Joined: Jun 2015
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    lotusman1951 New Member

    Aloha All, new to the forum, and "floating" and idea about in my head of creating a Cozy Space in my 50X17 slip in downtown Baltimore. I am very experienced in boats, and wish this BOAT to sit still and not voyage-but to be a pied a terre.

    It must be a boat and not a barge-Marina Rules. So a hull form that state or federal # is important-Something that can fill the space-fiberglass, no engines or steering-Low speeds, turns, spins by Jacuzzi pump and 8 jets/joystick run by small genset or inverter.

    Something like a Chris Craft Aquahome 46.

    The next thought is the house-I would like to do twin deck and roof-perhaps a prefab shed or cottage--improving the lines of most houseboats-or bring the design to make the house with more square feet.

    Proceeding into the wild end of cheap and cozy houseboat-the thoughts went towards-chainsawing off whatever house- pull engines,doing jacuzzi drives install waste and water tanks-and then slide on and fasten some kind of towable RV Trailer-perhaps with pullouts-that goes on top of the "Aquahome".

    These RVs-from 50amp electric to waste systems-lightweight-watertight-perhaps 12 ft wide-so having 2ft wide walkarounds-large deck on the front or rear.

    Has someone gone in this direction already?

    Kevin Kearney
    Anchorage Marina Baltimore
  2. gonzo
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    gonzo Senior Member

    As far as getting a HIN, a square box will qualify. If you plan on having no engines, how are the Jacuzzi pumps going to be powered by?
  3. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

    Can't jacuzzi pumps be powered by a genset, as lotusman1951 says?
  4. Rurudyne
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  5. lotusman1951
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    lotusman1951 New Member

    getting stranger

    I have always thought that the engine spaces aft on houseboats would be great for a hot tub with the engines out. If I can fill 50X16X 2 decks-we are approaching 1500sf-an aquahone might have 400sf-

    Theres alot of stray electric in marinas-so fiberglass hull seems important after my last 15 years with a steel trawler.

    This is very protected water with full floating finger piers, both sides.

    What we are looking for is unique-cozy not safe and seaworthy.

    I can always cedar shingle an rv trailer-on a houseboat hull-

  6. PAR
    Joined: Nov 2003
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    I'm not sure what you're looking for, but stock and custom designs in this size range are fairly common and don't have to be as you've described. This is one of my 50'x16' designs, though it does have engines, so can propel itself, with some flair I might add, though shouldn't be confused with being a passage maker.
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