Rudder propeller drives?

Discussion in 'Surface Drives' started by OCB, Sep 2, 2016.

  1. Rik
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    Rik Senior Member

    OCB, haven't you ever seen an Arneson Surface Drive?

    They have been used on production boats since 1976

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  2. OCB
    Joined: Dec 2015
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    OCB Senior Member

    Surface drives

    Yes i have seen all makes of surface drives, long tails ect. No disrespect intended!! I want more from my SD. On most SD the rudder is on the drive! I like most things about SD. I think the rudder and steering at the prop side of drive will help low speed turning IMO. This and other things may help reverse. Will a SD prop work well sub surface?
    I want a single SD that handles like a IB. ******** Edit: I want single SD to handle like a single IO

  3. gonzo
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    gonzo Senior Member

    Single inboards are notoriously bad at steering in reverse. Many boats turn little or none in one direction and well in the other. Any SD will do that. It it has trim and a rudder, it will handle much better. I am not sure I understand what improvement are you specifically looking for. The examples of handling you are posting are of systems that are very poor at it in reverse.
  4. OCB
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    OCB Senior Member

    Inboard steering propeller?

    I miss spoke on post #32 when i said IB! I wanted to compare SD to IO in all fazes of use not just reverse.
    You are right about single IB boat in reverse. I think if the prop was used to steer the inboard will steer much better in reverse.

  5. powerabout
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    powerabout Senior Member

    there is a reason Stern drives out sell surface drives as when you look at all the issues they come out in front, the market has spoken.
    Individually there are pro's and cons, plenty of people happy with both
  6. OCB
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    OCB Senior Member

    The market has spoken

    Well i disagree with your views on the market Powerboat. I have herd that said my whole life.
    Example : In 1978 my dad told the same thing about USA made trucks when he was purchasing chevy. ( I disagreed with him as well) In 5 years he had a Toyota!!! They had the better mouse trap. The market only changes when someone builds something better! The market can change overnight when the consumer finds out their is a better product! I will be happy when i can get the best SD & IO in one drive. Following the herd has never worked for me!

  7. powerabout
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    powerabout Senior Member

    what to disagree with about the market?
    Merc had sold the millionth sterndrive in 1976 funnily enough the same year Arneson started
    Toyota are the worlds largest seller of cars, the market speaks
    Sounds like you should be buying a chevy if you choose not to go with the herd?
  8. OCB
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    OCB Senior Member

    Yes Toyota sells the most cars today. I build my own cars and trucks so i don't get stuck in the herd market. I have a USA made truck for work now. The toyota truck is not the best truck for my needs.
    Lets see where the IO stands in the market in 10 more years after new tech hits the market.

  9. powerabout
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    powerabout Senior Member

    whats new tech?
    outboards replacing all others at the moment
  10. tom kane
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    tom kane Senior Member

    Rudder propeller drives

    Bravo OCB, Following the herd does not work for me either.

    The new and better propulsion for power boats is Retractable shaft drive for inboards or Retractable, Steerable Pivotal Drives or fully enclosed Surface Drive.

    Trouble is boat owners do not know a lot about boats at all it`s all about Glamor and trying to impress neighbors and friends and not about practical boating needs in safety and friendly user equipment.
  11. tom kane
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    tom kane Senior Member

    rudder propellers

    Price should not be a restriction on having the best surface propulsion you can build better and cheaper and less mechanically involved models your self or get a local competent Marine Engineer to do it for you.
  12. OCB
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    OCB Senior Member

    Steering and trim at the propeller

    Cheaper is where the herd will go for sure. If you build a better mouse trap it will sell.
    Do you think having a joint at the propeller side of the shaft on your design to trim and steer will help?

  13. gonzo
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    gonzo Senior Member

    Yes, I have a design input. Sterndrives and pods are well proven. Further, there are several types of surface drives, with and without trim or steering, that do what you are asking for. They are all commercially available. A square wheel may be novel, but is not better than a round one. Seems like you are looking for reassurance and not engineering.
  14. tom kane
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    tom kane Senior Member

    OCB do not let gonzo or any one else bully or try intimidating you they are not prepared to discuss anything with an open mind about something they do not understand the mechanics involved, if they did they should be able to post sensible information.

    It takes a lot of time for some people to understand different concepts.

  15. gonzo
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    gonzo Senior Member

    This is not bullying or intimidation, but engineering principles. The concepts have been developed over the last five decades and are sold commercially. There is no mystery about them.
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