Rudder Construction

Discussion in 'Sailboats' started by James Sullivan, Feb 28, 2022.

  1. James Sullivan
    Joined: Feb 2022
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    James Sullivan New Member

    My Tartan 30 is in need of a new rudder. Being that a replacement could run up to $2000, I am inspired to build my own. By the looks of my first run of research I am equipped with all necessary tools and have my friends welding shop to build my stainless steel plate and rod assembly. I am starting this thread to post updates of my build and also start a dialogue with any of you who might have done the same. Any and all advice, criticism, etc is appreciated. Thanks, wish me luck.

    Kirk and DogCavalry like this.
  2. DogCavalry
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    DogCavalry Senior Member

    Welcome James. I know there are many threads from people who have made rudders. I'm not in that number. Good luck. I'll check in regularly.
  3. James Sullivan
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    James Sullivan New Member

    Looking forward to taking notes on those threads tonight. Can't wait to get the ball rolling here.
  4. Tops
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  5. James Sullivan
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    James Sullivan New Member

    Unfortunately Tops, I'm afraid the old blade is in the drink. If I had it I would run a mold for sure. As of right now, I'm going to build from scratch. Instead of trying to perfectly replicate the original rudder, I plan to go with a simple foil design and put an emphasis on simplicity and effectivity. It does not have to look perfect, but it does have to work. Taking measurements and setting dimensions tomorrow. By the way, Andy is the best.
  6. Tops
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    Tops Senior Member

    Last edited: Mar 1, 2022

  7. sailhand
    Joined: Jan 2017
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    sailhand Senior Member

    If its a balanced rudder post dimensions and get someone to draw it for you then source the nearest cnc machine and get them to mill it for you, quickest and easiest way to do the job. Make the core from your preferred material and once milled the rest of the process is fairly simple. Determine where the rudder stock is and cut the blank rudder to fit it rejoin all pieces fair and glass. Make sure to fit flag to rudder stock to prevent stock spinning inside rudder. Glass and fair the outside. If so desired remove a few inches from rudder tip and after glassing rudder reattach tip with less glass and maybe softer material to be sacrificial and lessen damage to rudder in case of grounding.
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