Rowing scull - Kingfisher-type

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by eager 2 learn, Nov 4, 2014.

  1. eager 2 learn
    Joined: Nov 2014
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    eager 2 learn New Member

    Hi all,

    I've never built a boat and not being the handiest person I've
    got a friend helping with his tools.

    I was wondering if anyone has come across any free 2 seater rowing scull
    plan designs? Like the Kingfisher-type Olympic-style rowing scull?

    If free designs are not available has anyone used CAD computer software to help design their scull?

    I wanted a scull which could be rowed in the bay and not just calm river water which the Kingfisher-type seems a good fit for that.

    I’m thinking of building the scull with the stitch and glue technique.

    My budget is very limited so I’m curious if anyone has enjoyed success buying their marine plywood from local marinas? That would save me the shipping/handling.

    I visited the worldpanel site for marine plywood but ordering from them would add shipping/handling costs.

    I've visited the Chesapeake Light Craft Web site and they're kind of
    pricey and did not offer any 2-seater rowing sculls plan designs.

    Thank you very much for all your thoughts/suggestions.
  2. kerosene
    Joined: Jul 2006
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    kerosene Senior Member

    a kit:

    kit or plans

    If you cannot affod plans save longer. Really. Its a wrong place to save - and as far as CAD software for making the plans...
    Its like saying has anyone learned to use a pen to make plans for a good boat. CAD like the pen is just a tool and knowledge, experience etc. dictate what said tools are used for. Using bad plans is absolutely backwards, it means lots of work and money invested in mediocre, at best, result. There is a lot of knowledge needed for even a simple small boat.

    If you want a cheap boat don't build it yourself, buy used.
  3. gonzo
    Joined: Aug 2002
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    gonzo Senior Member

    If you are on a tight budget, a flat bottom skiff built of 1/4" AC plywood is the way to go. Plans are not too expensive on the overall cost. If you fabricate the outriggers, seats, tracks, oars, etc. there can be a considerable savings. Old style oars sometimes are available for cheap.
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