Route des Princes 2013

Discussion in 'Multihulls' started by Corley, Jun 5, 2013.

  1. Corley
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    Corley epoxy coated

  2. pipeline
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    pipeline Junior Member

    I wish some cable station would follow races like this, for at least a small part of their sailing coverage. I am a Multi-50 fan, especially Lalou Roucayrol, in his new, hot boat.
  3. Blackburn
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    Blackburn Senior Member

    It looks like the website for the race is going to have a lot of video and interviews during the race, in the same manner as during the Barcelona World race. Should be good!


    PS. Merde! Gilles Lamiré's alternator burned out before getting to Valencia so he apparently is stuck in Lorient and will not get to the starting line.

    In spite of all those vegetables adorning the ex-Prince de Bretagne 50-footer, it looks like he bought a lemon...

  4. pipeline
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    pipeline Junior Member

    Looking forward to it! What I would think would be great would be video cameras aboard, with live footage. Some day soon, I imagine.
  5. Blackburn
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    Haven't read their class rules, which might say something about it, but it is common that wide angle video cameras are mounted on the stern and at the nav station, then supplemented with a better hand-held camera used when the crew has the time and inclination.

    In this race they are much of the time within such range of land that more expensive communications gear is not necessary, they should make the most of that and upload lots of video.

    It isn't the case that such races have been closely followed by a big audience, they can't really expect more than a few hundred 'eyeballs' glued to them around the course. Even so I agree they should put a lot of effort into pleasing the fans, they might get lucky and catch broader interest without other news drowning them out.
  6. Blackburn
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    There's a french article on Sail World tonight, that Gilles Lamiré finally got his alternator and has left Lorient, heading for Lisbon, defaulting on the first leg.

    But I've not bothered to read beyond the headline. I'm more than a little disgusted that these mecs (french for 'guys') didn't just put a small generator aboard and sail without the motor working, so as to get to Valencia on time.

    Their first event with the fastest sailboat they could ask for, and they sit in harbor for a week waiting for engine parts. They look like fools and they know it.
  7. Corley
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    Corley epoxy coated

    Agreed, I would have left Lorient and sailed to Valencia for the start no matter what and a faulty alternator is a pretty insipid reason not to go. From a sponsors perspective I'd be annoyed they are not achieving maximum exposure for the boat and branding.
  8. Corley
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    Corley epoxy coated

  9. Blackburn
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    Blackburn Senior Member


    Tsk Tsk, Corley. You really have to learn to like your vegetables, and apply yourself to your French lessons. Those crafty frogs never keep the english pages as updated as their own.

    Pierre at VSail is becoming something of an embarrassment. He's always been a reliable, 8knots-is-exciting, mono kind of guy... but now he's exhibiting a philistine interest in the superficial seductions of veggy-fruity-multihulls.

    Today he tweets:
    And he also posted this video, from yesterday, which actually has some nice helicopter footage almost showing a start or two!

  10. Corley
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    Corley epoxy coated

  11. Blackburn
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    Blackburn Senior Member


    The Multi50 results aren't posted yet, but the 2D replay page displays details of those races.

    The leg to Lisbon starts in a few minutes, there's no live video, tracking has started but can't zoom enough to show the start. Latest photos show a strong offshore breeze and flat water, as with the terrific racing yesterday.

    TRACKING - Route des Princes

    Uploaded a minute ago, a video by Pierre/Vsail from yesterday's inshore racing

    Route des Princes Inshore races day 2 - 8th June

  12. Corley
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    Corley epoxy coated

    Video update from Geoff Waller on the Route des Princes at the end of the inshore racing. Some interesting thoughts on the MOD70 class in general and the racing they offer.

  13. Corley
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    Corley epoxy coated

    The Multi50's Actual and Arkema have been stuck together like glue on the first leg with FenetreA Cardinal within close striking distance. The MOD70's and Lionel Lemanchois Prince de Bretagne Maxi have exhibited pretty similar performance characteristics thus far. Giles Lamire and the Rennes - St Malo Multi50 team have arrived in Lisbon and will be ready for the next leg.
  14. Doug Lord
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    Doug Lord Flight Ready

    Route des Princes 2013--MOD 70's:


    Attached Files:

  15. Blackburn
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    Blackburn Senior Member


    Gavignet and Lemonchois have their AIS units active, so you can see their current position on this page, which is quite different from what the tracking is showing. In fact, it makes the 'tracking' look pretty stupid.

    If you click on the map SW Portugal and deactivate everything except 'yachts' you'll see Oman and PDB, who are approaching Cape Sagres and Cape St Vincent at the moment.

    Seems that the others have turned off their AIS having gotten closer to the coast and darkness giving them hope of gaining an advantage. Yesterday one or two of the boats reported that they enjoyed watching their competitors on AIS all night, as everyone kept it active due to all the traffic. Lalou's crew wrote that the helm saw very little when the genoa was up, which is probably true of the other boats as well?
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