Round Mast with golf ball texture

Discussion in 'Sailboats' started by valery gaulin, Sep 18, 2024.

  1. rwatson
    Joined: Aug 2007
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    rwatson Senior Member

    "the same time improving aerodynamic of the round mast"
    What makes you think the grooves would improve the aerodynamic performance with grooves ?
  2. CT249
    Joined: May 2003
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    CT249 Senior Member

    Good questions.

    Nope, the mast is not that critical.

    The benefit from a bone standard stock mast to a hyper-complex specialised one is something that only becomes apparent in a race between world-class full-time sailors who have spent eons working on their fitness, technique, class-specific training and analysis, sail development, keel and rudder development, hull development, constructions, etc etc etc.

    This concept was probably first used in the 1970 America's Cup with the mast of Gretel II. She was the faster boat but she lost.

    I've been lucky enough to race with America's Cup winners. The typical sailor worrying about mast profile is like the 200lb guy who has never ridden a bike since he was 12 year old worrying about the aerodynamics of the texture over the tubes on the Walmart bike, complete with panniers and spoky-dokes, that he is going to use to get half a mile to the shops at 9mph.
  3. CT249
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    CT249 Senior Member

    One of the AC guys did take it up, 54 years ago. No one bothered to replicate it. That says a lot.
    valery gaulin likes this.

  4. CT249
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    CT249 Senior Member

    At least the spoiler on the car could give you somewhere to put a coffee cup while you load your shopping. A turbulator mast on a cruiser wouldn't even have that benefit. :)

    There is some bizarre attraction to the idea that conventional spars are terrible and alternatives are much better. I have five wingmasts and about 10 similar devices (ie pocket luff sails) and still think it's weird that so many people who have probably never even seen one think that they are worthwhile. They provide a very marginal advantage at the pointy end of racing fleets in a few classes, and some dodgy pages in a few books rant about them. That's about all.

    Various leading-edge devices have been failing to live up to the hype for a century now. Perhaps in another hundred years people will start looking at the reality rather than the claims.
    gonzo likes this.
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