RORC Fastnet Race 2013

Discussion in 'Multihulls' started by Corley, Jan 11, 2013.

  1. Corley
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    Corley epoxy coated

  2. Number4

    Number4 Previous Member

    300 boat entry limit has been met in just 24hrs.
    No word on the "Blue Beast".
    I hope to see the finish in Plymouth. Fingers crossed she will be back.
  3. HydroNick
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    HydroNick Nick S

    BP in 30 hours, Orion in 30.5 hours?

    In the video above it's indicated that BP might be able to do the Fastnet in 30 hours...if that's the case, my money's on Orion (26 ft Firebird Catamaran) doing it in about 30.5!

    See this the year (2012) when her class/ length was not allowed due to weather...but she was tracked and finished not far behind the 50 ft Actual! (about 1:50...if you get bored with monohulls plodding along, though it's a good video, very bellicose music to go with the sailing action)

    in 2011: (0:26 same comment about the plodding)

    And here's a question (well two): why are those things so bloody fast and why did their production cease?
  4. Corley
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    Corley epoxy coated

    It's been confirmed that Banque Populaire V will be on the startline for the 2013 Fastnet Race. She has been purchased by Spindrift Racing and will be renamed Spindrift 2.
  5. redreuben
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    redreuben redreuben

    Heh heh heh, that's more like it !
  6. Number4

    Number4 Previous Member

    En avant la bête noire!
    This is very good news.
    Only 190 days 14 hours 34 minutes to wait!
  7. Corley
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    Corley epoxy coated

  8. Doug Lord
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    Doug Lord Flight Ready

    Man, thats going to be a spectacular race!
  9. Richard Woods
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    Richard Woods Woods Designs

    I was at the Royal Western YC last week when the multihull entries for the Fastnet race met up. I think there are going to be a good few doing it. However the qualification procedure for all boats (monos and multis) is now very strict, so it could be numbers reduce before the race

    The Firebird isn't allowed in the 600 mile Fastnet race, but is in the 60 mile Round the Island (Isle of Wight) race which is the one Hydronick mentioned, unless it is too windy when multihulls under 30 ft and several small monohull classes are cancelled. Its one of the biggest races in the world, typically 1800 starters, 60 multihulls.

    The Firebird ceased production after a big fire at the boatyard. It is a quick boat, I crewed for Graham Goff in one when we won the 1994 Micro multihull championships. However the hulls are long and fine so it "sticks" in light winds and is very prone to nosediving and pitchpoling unless you have someone very attentive on the spinnaker sheet

    Richard Woods of Woods Designs
  10. HASYB
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  11. Corley
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    Corley epoxy coated

    The entry list has been published. Gitana 11, Prince de Bretagne Maxi and Spindrift Racing are entered with their MOD70 not Spindrift 2 (Banque Populaire V) maybe they did not have enough preparation time their last tweet mentioned that they were about to crane out BPV for a change of colour scheme and no word since.

    Good to see some privateer multihull entries with a Corsair 31-1 D entered a Schionning waterline 1160 and a dazcat D1150.
  12. Corley
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    Corley epoxy coated

    Looks like Spindrift 2 (ex BPV) will make the Fastnet Race:

    This from the Spindrift Team website:

    The Fastnet Race in August for Spindrift 2

    Spindrift 2 is currently at the CDK boatyard in Lorient for a complete check-up and will be launched in its new livery in early July. The first training session is scheduled so that Spindrift 2 does not break stride before the start of the Fastnet Race from Cowes on August 11. He holds the record for the 600-mile race in the English Channel and the Irish Sea, winning in 1 day 8 hours and 48 minutes at an average speed of 18.1 knots (approved WSSRC record) in August 2011. “This year will be dedicated to discovering the boat and familiarising ourselves with the size of the machine so we can determine what technical developments it is possible to make for next season.” Yann Guichard said.
  13. Corley
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    Corley epoxy coated

    Apparently the ex Groupama3 now renamed Banque Populaire VII is going to compete in the Fastnet Race as well.
  14. Corley
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    Corley epoxy coated

  15. Corley
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    Corley epoxy coated

    The Prince de Bretagne Maxi 80 trimaran has been relaunched ready for the Fastnet Race the team have installed a canting mast to power up the boat. The interesting thing is the canting system is line driven with purchase rather than hydraulic like most of the large trimaran maxi's offering a good weight saving. The new 80' hulls that were constructed for the new maxi only added 400kgs to the overall weight versus the original 60' ORMA60 Sodebo. The maxi weighs 7.3tonnes the original Sodebo 6.9tonnes. The new mast canting system adds about 150kgs to that weight a hydraulic system would have added about 300kgs.
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