River Fishin' boat

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by NjyDvr, Dec 4, 2015.

  1. NjyDvr
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    NjyDvr Junior Member

    Hey everyone,

    This is my first post and I'm assuming y'all get this kind of post all the time. I was brought to this forum in my search for information to fuel my ambitions of fabricating my own fishing boat.

    I'm an experienced welder with time, money, and space. I intend on building an aluminum boat specifically for catfishing in rivers in the Southern US.

    My initial idea was to find a commercially available boat that suits my needs and attempt to replicate its design. I did in fact pick out a boat, the SeaArk "Big Daddy", and the SeaArk website actually gives a lot of useful information:
    15deg V, .125 gauge alum, Length: 24', Beam: 94", Bottom: 72", Side Depth: 26", and Transom Height: 25".

    Any ideas how I would kinda reverse engineer this into workable plans? And considerations to take into account?

    Thanks in advance

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  2. Mr Efficiency
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    Mr Efficiency Senior Member

    Can't you find any suitable plans ?
  3. NjyDvr
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    NjyDvr Junior Member

    I'm only about a week into my search, but no... haven't seen anything similar to this. Certainly would be receptive if you or anyone has any or could point me toward some.
  4. Mr Efficiency
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    Mr Efficiency Senior Member

    Maybe there is some stuff in Australia, that doesn't come up in the early pages of a U.S. internet search. I'll see what I can find. Aluminium boats are enormously popular here. You really don't want to get involved in reverse engineering an existing boat, for a variety of reasons, and seeing properly dimensioned plans are such a small part of your total cost, hardly a worthwhile exercise, with the potential for less than ideal results.
  5. NjyDvr
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    NjyDvr Junior Member

    Yea, I understand. It would be nice to find existing plans for sure. Any assistance is appreciated.
  6. Mr Efficiency
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    Mr Efficiency Senior Member

  7. Mr Efficiency
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    Mr Efficiency Senior Member

    Not a big fan of alloy fishing boats really, for various reasons, but maybe those catties will be lured by the noisiness of alloy hulls, even in a small ripple. Or not. Sounds like marbles rolling around in a barrel to me.
  8. NjyDvr
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    NjyDvr Junior Member

    All the ones you listed are the ones i found also. I'll try the Australia search. Thanks
  9. messabout
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    messabout Senior Member

    Have you looked at the Glen -L site. They have a lot of designs including ones applicable for aluminum construction. If you find something there you can be confident that they are good outfit that is helpful for builders like yourself.
  10. PAR
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    PAR Yacht Designer/Builder

    Bateau.com also has garvery varations too.
  11. Mr Efficiency
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    Mr Efficiency Senior Member

    24' is pretty big for a backwater fishing boat, how many people aboard ?
  12. NjyDvr
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    NjyDvr Junior Member

    Yes it is pretty big. Exactly one of the reasons I choose this model to replicate. I will mention that this is my ideal boat... If i could find plans for a boat that is slightly smaller it would be fine.

    But I believe you were wanting to know why i am looking for such a large river boat. I assume to take that info into account in the event you find some plans that might meet what I'm looking for. So, here is the need for such size: In addition to fishing the boat will be used as a hunting boat (alligator, Boar, Deer, etc..). This will require a decent amount of deck space and the capability of a significant weight load (between the people, all the equipment, and the harvested hunt). I also do have a large family and will be regularly having 6 or so people join on a fishing trip. Also, I'm not sure what comes to your mind when i say a "river" fishing boat, but where I'm at a river can get pretty darn big.

  13. NjyDvr
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    NjyDvr Junior Member

    Yes, I actually have... One of the handful that pop up quick. They have a decent amount to look at but I cannot find anything like the one i mentioned.
  14. PAR
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    PAR Yacht Designer/Builder

    Check out the "River Rat" at Glen-L, which is a plywood design, but also available in aluminum. It's a shoal draft boat, but with much better handling qualities than a typical garvey style of hull (what your photo is). The interior can be made anyway you'd like, assuming the hull structure is done right. It's shown at 20', but could be stretched to 24' if desired.

  15. NjyDvr
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    NjyDvr Junior Member

    Yea, thats not exactly what i was looking for but not a bad option at all. Thank you for the reference.
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