RIP Mr. Paul [PAR] Riccelli

Discussion in 'Boatbuilding' started by SecondChance248, May 31, 2018.

  1. Mr Efficiency
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    Mr Efficiency Senior Member

    Paul Anthony Riccelli, 61 of Eustis died Wednesday, May 30, 2018. Paul was born March 20, 1957 with his twin sister, Anita to the late Anthony and Marie Riccelli. The twins were born while their parents were traveling by boat as one twin was born in Maryland and the other in Delaware. Paul was a designer and boat builder. He is survived by his companion, Gail Coomer; daughter, Shannon Suftin of Delaware; son, Shawn of Delaware; seven grandchildren; brother, Steve of Pennsylvania. A celebration of life will be at a later date. In lieu of flowers the family suggests memorial donations to the Congregational Church of Mt. Dora, 650 N. Donnelly Street, Mt. Dora, FL 32751
    pafurijaz likes this.
  2. Angélique
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    Angélique aka Angel (only by name)

    Thanks for posting the obituary Mr E.

    It's quite unusual for twins to be born in different states, reality is even stranger with Anita and Paul, as I understand it they were born under sail on a triple delivery trip of an old Schooner plus two children while heading North on the Atlantic Ocean, the children's delivery started off coast Virginia, Anita was born off coast Maryland, and Paul was born off coast Delaware, at the same time the old Schooner was also successfully delivered. Their unusual birth must have given them a head start in boating, which lead Paul has further extended throughout his life, especially during his childhood while being raised on and around boats on an island in the Chesapeake Bay.

    ‘‘ Chesapeake Bay Watershed overlaid on political map of US Mid-Atlantic states.’’

    The midsection of post #30 is meant as a tribute to Paul's life, he was about 10 y/o when the song was released, and the song starts about that era in life...
    I've just looked at the charts, Virginia to Delaware while passing the coastal width of Maryland is at least 27 Nmi, so over 3 hours with the old Schooner I'll guess, but it could have been far more, as this is not uncommon for giving birth to twins.

    Thread: Concept Boat Design | Excursion 36 - Planing Boat Design ---> post #7
    About the post, never too shy to rain on someone's parade, if this served their best interest, note the OP liked the post himself, what pleads in his favor, I believe.

    ( Edit: P.S. - On second thoughts, from the info in the obituary and Paul's above quote I'm not sure about the delivery trip direction, it also could be they were heading South on the Atlantic Ocean, so the first one was born in Delaware waters, and the second in Maryland waters, while they were heading for the Chesapeake Bay entrance in Virginia, but the obituary mentioned Maryland before Delaware, hence my thought they were traveling North, but don't think the actual direction makes much difference for the story, I think to recall from some other post Paul is the one from Delaware.)
    Last edited: Jun 5, 2018
  3. ImaginaryNumber
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    ImaginaryNumber Imaginary Member

    +1 to all the previous posts.
    I think PAR must have had the most Legacy Reps of anyone on this forum -- and they were all well deserved.
    Thanks, Paul.

  4. Angélique
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    Angélique aka Angel (only by name)

    After so many years being almost usual, it now feels strange to see PAR has just been online, I'll guess it was Gail or one of Paul's children, or another dear one with access to his still logged in computer, or passwords.

    Whoever you are, if want to, please feel free to post here, and please always feel free to look around on these forums.

    From Paul's website, the bottom of the last page . . .



    ‘‘ That's me (far left), trying to figure out how to move the cradle for the Cooper we just rolled. ’’
    Last edited: Jun 5, 2018
  5. Doug Lord
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    Doug Lord Flight Ready

    This is a very moving song to me as it reminds me of my Dad and our experiences. I grew up on the water much like Paul did and I imagine this song would make him think of his Dad as well.
    And Paul's kids must think of him like Buffet does his Dad........
    Last edited: Jun 3, 2018
  6. upchurchmr
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    upchurchmr Senior Member

    One of the better contributors.
    I really appreciated his responses, he had so much more of a wide knowledge than I do.
  7. Skyak
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    Skyak Senior Member

    The news of PAR passing is disturbing to me and I have been struggling with just why that is so. I only knew him through interactions on these forums but I came to respect his opinions to the degree that often my best reply was only to make the thread irresistible for PAR to give the definitive answer -based on experience. To me PAR represents the art of boat design and build -and use for that mater. The only times I argued with him were about what science could cover and where art still ruled. But unlike other recognized artists (arts "pure" in their uselessness), the works of PAR don't rise greatly in value with his passing. I feel the greatest loss is to the fleets of old boats that just lost a great resource and protagonist.

    I guess some of the sense of loss is the knowledge that they truly don't make'em like they used to. If a man took to sea in an old schooner with his wife while she was soon to give birth to twins today, the man would be sent to prison for life and the kids would be bounced around the foster system, not left to find a calling among the boats and the waves.

    Still unsettled I decided that the best contemplation would be with my butt in my boat and my hand on a beer. And after a few miles under my keel the best way I can explain it is to ask you -have you ever come to a point in a boat restoration where you thought 'Wow! even God couldn't put this boat back together'? Well apparently God HAS so he decided to call in someone with more experience.
    abosely likes this.
  8. kapnD
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    kapnD Senior Member

    Sad news, Paul was a walking encyclopedia of boatbuilding, and much more.
    I was privileged to meet him just last year, and was looking forward to my next Florida trip, armed with a notebook full of questions!
    RIP, Paul, we’ll see you in the great beyond.
  9. SmokedGouda
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    SmokedGouda New Member

    I specifically looked for this thread here after I heard about Paul's passing. I only knew him for the last month or so over phone and email. I spent quite a bit of time talking to him as he was going to help me potentially refit my boat. I am very sad for his loss even though I only knew him briefly.
  10. Ike
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    Ike Senior Member

    This is stunning news. I have known Paul for years. He was one of the most knowledgeable people I have ever known in the boat building world. I am shocked and saddened. He will be sorely missed. This has been a truly sad year so far. I have lost a brother and several long time friends and a beloved pet. I will miss Paul.
  11. troy2000
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    troy2000 Senior Member

    To me, PAR's designs are a lot more than just ok, looks-wise; his semi-retro styling happens to hit my sweet spot dead center. But aesthetics are something that reasonable people can honestly and reasonably disagree on. Otherwise, most modern boats would look the same. Oh wait... they already do. :p

    Smart remarks aside, I can understand his designs might not be everyone's cup of tea, looks-wise. But I like their looks - and they do definitely work when they hit the water.

    If someone had the time and energy to collect and edit Paul's internet posts, along with permission and cooperation from his heirs and the forums he posted on, they could put together an awesome series of books on boat design and construction. No, I'm not volunteering; I'm strung out thin enough as it is. I'd have to retire, finish my own boat, and be too stove up to do anything but sit and write, before I took on a project like that.

    But dang, I wish someone else would come up with the ambition to do it...
  12. latestarter
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    latestarter Senior Member

    A huge loss, I was always impressed with the time he spent on this site helping others.
  13. Dolfiman
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    Dolfiman Senior Member

    Sad news, Paul was so kind and patient to share his huge experience all along so detailed posts, an example for us, a reference for such forum, RIP Paul
  14. TeddyDiver
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    TeddyDiver Gollywobbler

    I'm so sorry to hear Paul passing away. We all miss you.

  15. troy2000
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    troy2000 Senior Member

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