RINA classed and MCA compliant

Discussion in 'Class Societies' started by georgepetsas, Jul 14, 2012.

  1. georgepetsas
    Joined: Sep 2011
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    georgepetsas Junior Member

    I am looking at two boats in Europe for purchase. One is claiming to be RINA classed and MCA compliant and is used in the charter industry. The other is not in the charter industry and making no claim like this. Not knowing about these classifications is there a short answer that makes much of a difference or value between the two boats if all else is equal?

    Thanks in advance hope this is not a stupid or hard to answer question with limited info.
  2. Luc Vernet
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    Luc Vernet Senior N.A.

    Not a dumb question, but limited information, effectively.

    Supposing you are not intending to use the boat for charter, one could see little reason for you to pay extra. This higher cost is due to the Classification Society plus MCA certifications and maintenance, which has a cost (MCA "compliant" and not "certified" induces no cost other that having the required equipment fitted: no fees to MCA).

    However, even if not intending to be used for charter (or other commercial activity), a boat built, fitted and maintained with Classification Society certification and regular survey will not only hold a higher value but in some cases will be asked lower insurance premiums.

    Not knowing the specifications of the boat(s) you are looking for does not allow saying if this boat should anyway be certified of not...?
  3. georgepetsas
    Joined: Sep 2011
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    georgepetsas Junior Member

    Thank you for your reply. Is there an easy way to get the regs? for RINA and MCA complaint because after looking for a long time and getting frustrated I gave up? The boat is a 1975 vintage Benetti 26m passage maker steel / alum. superstructure.

    Thank you for your comments and I understand your answer and agree with your comments. I just wish I knew more of the regulations to comply with the certification and compliance.
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