Rig design for an old fishing boat

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by Rungholt, Jun 9, 2021.

  1. Rungholt
    Joined: Dec 2020
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    Rungholt Junior Member

    Hello all!

    Becouse of a twist of fate I came into possession of an old German built fishing boat. She was built as a moter boat and converted. She’s never going to win any races sailing but she does ok sailing, but the helm is relatively unbalanced and she’s got problems bringing her head to weather.
    I’m convinced that her rig is totally wrong, I believe the person who restored her just plopped a mast where the fishing mast was, and built the rig around a free mainsail that he received.
    Can you recommend some book that go into rig design in relation to the hull? Iv been trying and trying to research and investigate. And I have had no luck!


  2. bajansailor
    Joined: Oct 2007
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    bajansailor Marine Surveyor

    Hi Andrew - do you have any photos of the boat that you can post on here?
    How big is she?
    What type of rig would you ideally like to have on her - I presume a fairly traditional type of gaff rig?

    If she has lee helm, then it might be possible to simply add a mizzen sail near the stern, to help push her bow up?
    But a photo is worth a thousand words of speculation.........
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