RIB hull design and tube attachment

Discussion in 'Wooden Boat Building and Restoration' started by jamesdedward, Aug 15, 2006.

  1. jamesdedward
    Joined: Aug 2006
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    jamesdedward New Member


    Can anyone tell me where I can get a design for a 5 - 6m RIB hull. I would like to build a Rigid Inflatable Boat but I have no design to work from and I dont have the first idea of how to attach the pontoon.

    I live on a fairly isolated island in the south pacific called Norfolk Island. Freight and shipping is very expensive to and from the island. So if I can build a glass over marine ply hull, then I can have the pontoon made in New Zealand, saving a fortune on shipping cost as compared to freighting an entire boat.

    You can look at www.norfolkisland.com.au if you would like to see where the island is.

    I specifically want a RIB as it will be used as a scuba diving boat. Another advantage to building the hull myself is that I can deck the boat out specifically for my requirements.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    James Edward
  2. hansp77
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    Hello James.
    I can't help you directly, but here are a few links related to RIB's. Some may be helpfull, others maybe not..
    You get these by doing a search of the forum.
    Check these out- but there are alot more, so maybe just do a search yourself.






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  3. jfblouin
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  4. jfblouin
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  5. R5ST
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    R5ST New Member

    sorry to bump up the old topic, but I was wondering how to attach tubes to the hull? i have a rib with rubber floor and i wanted to make a fiberglass v hull, but i don't know how to attach it to the existing tubes. glue?
  6. daiquiri
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    daiquiri Engineering and Design

    Your question is a bit unclear. Do you have an existing hull you have to marry to the existing tubes, or you're about to design a hull to fit inside the existing tubes? Any pics to show?
  7. michael pierzga
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    michael pierzga Senior Member

    Hmmm...what is the tube to hull joint called ? The sheer clamp ?
  8. KR9
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  9. tunnels

    tunnels Previous Member

    How do you intend to make a fibreglass hull first ?? Yes the tube has to be glued to the fibreglass hull and the biggest problem is the hinge strip theta has to be created between the two . ITS BEST TO TAKE THE FLOOR OR BOTTON OFF THE TUBE FIRST !!,fit the transom between the tubes and lightly strap the tubes so they dont spread apart !!then build a hull to sit on the tube and then mould the hull with the tube flange already as a part of the moulding !!the flange need to be a minumum of 60 mm wide to get a excillent bonding for the glue when the tube is attached . this need a strip on the outside to cover the tube to glass join so the water will not get between . most important is also a non peel hing strip inside the boat as well again to stop the tube fron peeling iff the glass . :p
  10. CDK
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    Look at the way nearly all car windows are "glued" to the frame. The bonding compound is a urethane based moisture cured glue like 3M 08693, to be applied with a caulking gun. Because the area is very long and the glue starts to cure as soon as it leaves the cartridge it is not a one man's job.

    Another option is hot melt glue with an embedded wire. The glue is applied to one side, covering the wire. Then the two parts are brought in the proper position and held with tape. A current applied to the wire will melt the glue into a uniform seal. Sounds easy but the amount of current and duration are critical.
  11. tunnels

    tunnels Previous Member

    The adhesive used for hypolon tubes is a special glue and a 2 part made by bostik !has a hardener and will never let go ,sticks so well to glass it will tear the gelcoat off the glass , a 1 inch wide strip of hypolon will tear apart if you pull in a peel situation even to the point of breakng the material
    Thats what i call stick !!!
    Worked for a inflateable boat manufacturer for a while , i made glass hulls :p
  12. CDK
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    CDK retired engineer

    That's right tunnels, there are several 2C adhesives for hypolon on the market. My experience is not quite the same as yours, this week we pulled out a boat with a 2 ft gap where the tube separated from the bottom. And my own little Italian rib did the same and kept doing it after expensive repairs, so I put it next to the dumpster.
    But on many boats the adhesion is excellent.

    I gave R5ST a different advice because the car glass adhesive is available in his (and mine) country at any place where they replace windscreens.
  13. CatBuilder

    CatBuilder Previous Member

    So what would be the best way to get some tubes on an old RIB?

    I have a 9' RIB that needs tubes, or glass tubes, or whatever will work.

    Any suggestions on a general direction to go with this little side project?

    Replacement hypalon tubes seem quite expensive. Building out of glass seems like an option for hard "D" tubes.

    Anyone have any thoughts on this?

    PS: I'm building a large catamaran, so I have plenty of "stuff" on hand for any glass or foam work.
  14. m3mm0s rib
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    m3mm0s rib Senior Member

    The materials now are so good that there is no way we have stuck to the problems. but the craftsmen knows his job. As for whether it is
    expensive or not may ultimately be the cheapest solution if the fabric is good quality and over 1350 dext. There are inflatable to 20 years and the tubes are in very good condition

  15. Ramboguy
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    Ramboguy New Member

    Converting Inflatable into Rib boat

    I'm currently working on my boat project. I'm converting 16' inflatable in to rib boat. I remove foldable wooden floor and installing aluminum rib inside. I have a lots of questions, like whats the best glue to use on pvc boat, and how to fill tubes with liquid foam with out blow them. If any one can help me, it would be nice. Thank You.
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