RFQ - 6m catamaran hull shape

Discussion in 'Multihulls' started by Scuba, Jul 8, 2024.

  1. Scuba
    Joined: Jul 2024
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    Location: Mackay

    Scuba New Member

    Hi All

    I am looking for a designer to provide an optimal hull shape for a 6m long catamaran for scuba diving and occasional overnight coastal camping. Think Hobie cat with an outboard and a tent on the trampoline. Guesstimated max payload would be ~400kg. I have an existing 20hp outboard I'd like to re-use for propulsion . I have a bunch of leftover 640gsm plain weave carbon, H60 PVC, and Soric SF 2mm from another project that I would like to put to use if possible.

    I have a CNC router (3600mm max length) and plenty of experience with infusion so my plan is to build a plug from CNC MDF/foam, pull a mold, and infuse the hulls.

    Please reply privately if you're interested in quoting for the project and publicly if you require any further information.
  2. TANSL
    Joined: Sep 2011
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    TANSL Senior Member

    Wellcome to this forum.
    I would like to know more details about your project.How to send you a pm?
  3. Scuba
    Joined: Jul 2024
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    Scuba New Member

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