Return Of The Tremolino

Discussion in 'Multihulls' started by olsurfer, Oct 9, 2016.

  1. olsurfer
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    olsurfer Junior Member

    The tremolino built by Russell Brown of Port Townsend Watercraft, previously named Humdinger, is back on the west coast with new sails by Randy Smyth, new tramps and other upgrades. It will be interesting to see how a 17 year old "pocket rocket" will measure up against similiar multihulls in the bay area. After spending time working on her, it is an eye opener to see the level of craftsmanship Russell possesses. She is almost ready to sail the bay.
  2. Doug Lord
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  3. outside the box

    outside the box Previous Member

    Humdinger was a Trinardo as per

  4. Corley
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    Corley epoxy coated

  5. outside the box

    outside the box Previous Member

    It will be very interesting to see how it goes. We went a fair way toward purchasing the moulds but discussion with Nigel led us to believe it could be done better now. Unfortunately Nigel got burned a couple of times by small and larger designs for production so was too busy with big design work that pays well to improve on her float design work for us. Agree she ticks the box for the period.
    Team Ezifold
  6. RHP
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    RHP Senior Member

    Cool video Doug!
  7. Doug Lord
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  8. village idiot
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    village idiot Junior Member

    Humdinger is not a Tremolino?

    The other photo is my Tremolino FBomb , very competitive against current designed similar sized multis .

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  9. olsurfer
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    olsurfer Junior Member

    Tremolino vs Trinado

    Trinados were an affordable home builder option to use the amas and sail rig from a Tornado cat. Humdinger started out with Tornado amas that weren't up to the job so hence the redesigned amas. Humdinger never used the sail rig from a Tornado. Russell was lucky enough to know Dick Newick as friend and mentor and became interested in the Tremolino during his time working with Mr Newick. Years later when called on to build a tri for Mr Young, Russell used Mr Newicks tremolino design for the main hull. There are a few Corsair 24 tris in the Bay area and I'm keen to see how Humdinger does against them. Humdinger has more sail area than the 24 and is a whopping 800lbs lighter!
  10. Tom.151
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    Tom.151 Best boat so far? Crowther Twiggy (32')

    If anyone knows... what's the expected difference in weight between the wood home-built and the fiberglass production version of the Newick Tremolino? That would mean when using the Newick designed plywood amas too.

  11. patzefran
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    patzefran patzefran

    Village idiot...
    I am the builder and former owner of the yellow trem Fantasia represented above, which is the latest wooden hard chine version of the Trem MK 4 designed by D. Newick in 2002, very different from the original John Olin drawing . Longer waterline wider beam mainhull, 19 ft tortured ply outriggers (in fact 20 ft on my trem) and laminated beams. Completely rigged with sails, anchor security gears and 6HP 4 strokes motor she weighted around 550 kg.
    With your self designed high buoyancy outriggers, I suspect your boat is heavier than the original one (which weight ?), but faster in decent wind. Did you already completely lifted your mainhull ? I never did with mine, but completely immersed the leeward outrigger, not enough buoyancy....
    I would be curious to look at your GPS performance records, I could compare with mine.
    I have now built a Richard Woods Strike 20 (already posted in this forum) with Nacra 5.8 outriggers, which is much faster than my former Trem . In fact as everyone know, well designed high buoyancy outriggers (well above 100 % of the weight) result in higher performance, as you can lift the mainhull. The draw back is you need rudders on the outriggers !
  12. cavalier mk2
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    cavalier mk2 Senior Member

    For the record the Tremolino was actually first designed to use the hobie 16 rig and the hulls for amas.
  13. Richard Woods
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    as seen in the video shown above

  14. village idiot
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    village idiot Junior Member

    All of the photos of my build are on the tremolino yahoo page.have not weighed the boat as yet but guessing would be 550-600 kg on the water. Centre hull is not that heavy ( Gabboon marine ply ) , hulls were ply tornado hulls . Lengthened to 22ft , added 200mm of freeboard. And put bigger bulkheads in the hull flaring them out more so they are not as fine in the bow and wider through the mid sections. Where the weight on this boat comes from is the rig , the mast and rigging probably weighs 50+kgs , it's a 200 mm. Aluminium wing section 10.8 m long .

    I use a velocitek speed puck , but for some reason it's not connecting to my laptop anymore? Used is on a kite race board and hydrofoil and it worked fine , I have those logs on my computer , but stopped working before I got to use it on The boat . Quickest speed we have achieved is 16 kts on the boat ( have got to 41.7kts on the kiteboard)that was in far from ideal conditions , loves to sit on 13-14 kts all day in fairly light wind , when the wind gets up and the waves build up it really knocks it round speed wise.

    We raced last weekend and had a fairly tight screecher run , about 12-13 kts of wind and the centre hull was gust kissing the water, leeward hull was nowhere near submerging.running a 2m centreboard and has rudders on the

    Few videos off YouTube.

  15. patzefran
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    patzefran patzefran

    Thanks, very nice build and sails, Village Idiot. I will look at tortured ply Tornado hulls for my Strike 20 to replace Nacra 5.8 ones . Tortured ply results in very light hulls, but are somewhat tricky to build.
    Please, keep us informed of your sailing performance.
    About your Speed puck, did you try to re install the velocitek control center application, you need it to access to the records from your laptop.

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