Rethinking the smallest boat circumnavigation

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by stonedpirate, Feb 17, 2012.

  1. stonedpirate
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    stonedpirate Senior Member

    I'll prove you wrong :p
  2. viking north
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    viking north VINLAND

    You didn't properly read my post I said 100miles not 100 blocks. The point I was making was no wet gear in the world will keep you dry --once wet for three days at that temp. and wind, it's all over.
  3. CatBuilder

    CatBuilder Previous Member

    Actually, I'm thinking Stoned Pirate could go and do a test run off Australia in stormy conditions to get a feel for a chair on a floating platform, then redesign as needed.
  4. Mr Efficiency
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    Mr Efficiency Senior Member

    You can ask the psychologist about the compulsive need to prove others wrong while you're there. :D I remember when I first read about Serge's trip round the world in the tiny boat, my first reaction was to think 'why would you bother' ? It is not advancing the human condition one iota. There is a lot of 'look at me' about it, not much that is fruitful for others though.
  5. PAR
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    PAR Yacht Designer/Builder

    The human body, in spite of it's relatively drip dry covering, isn't capable of tolerating a couple of years of continuous exposure. Clothing will not get the job done, you will need shelter or a mother ship to hunker down in during the worst patches.

    Your dream is noble enough, possably record breaking, but reality is simply that to have a reasonable chance of success, you'll need more then enthusiasm. Bluntly put, you'll need a support team and a fair bit of money. The support team initially will focus on the SOR of the yacht and consultation, if not down right concept to full construction details worked out professionally. Some ideas are interesting, but most just aren't practical, partly because you don't personally have the skills to access the liabilities involved in an epic venture such as this. You've read some, but they aren't you, nor working with your skill sets/resources.

    Each project like this requires a fairly systematic approach, so you can reasonably address the issues you can anticipate, but more importantly have a system in place to catch the ones you didn't anticipate. Continue reading and assemble the things you'll need, most of which have nothing to do with hull shell material choices (as and example), which is best left to those with the expertise to evaluate the strains and loads involved, rather then guessed at. An attempt like this is 90% planning, 10% actaully doing it.

    A good start might be to purchase a 10' boat, deck it over and try to sail it in nothing but ugly weather. The short comings will quickly appear, further arming yourself with the necessary changes, plus some heavy air experiences. Once you've sorted out the obvious stuff, take out your now modified, very likely shortened down, multiple hoist rig and see how far around your little island homeland you can manage, before having to run for shore or take on provisions. A methodical and flexible approach will be the best chance for success. Being able to adjust your "models" about everything and every aspect of the process, design and the expedition is the sure way to getting through alive. You might have a slim chance of bull dogging your way through, but the odds are much greater if you accept common wisdom and choose a practical and expertly guided avenue for your pursuit.
  6. Mr Efficiency
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    Mr Efficiency Senior Member

    Do you think so ? Recklessly endanger your life, maybe leave some loved ones in grief, and all for what ? So he can big-note himself that he survived against the odds ? And to make matters worse, it will cost good money he won't recoup ! :rolleyes:
  7. stonedpirate
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    stonedpirate Senior Member

    Thanks PAR. I appreciate your well thought out response and advice.

    I'm not leaving tomorrow, what i lack in experience will be made up on trial and error.

    The decision to go for it will only be made after extensive testing off my local coast.

    Why have sex with a super model on cocaine?

    Why buy a sports cars?

    Most of what humans do is mindless consumption and vanity.

    I can ride 100 miles in an hour and a half. The average post shift was over 5 hours on the bike.
  8. Mr Efficiency
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    Mr Efficiency Senior Member

    That is most apposite to the subject of the thread, isn't it ! :rolleyes:
  9. PAR
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    PAR Yacht Designer/Builder

    It's not reckless if a well devised, engineered and determined effort is applied. From what I've seen the effort thus far doesn't show promise, but this isn't to say that will not change, particularly when the SOR and practicalities are examined and attempts to address realized.

    Putting men on the moon was considered a political stunt, at the time the president mentioned it. The process was considered all but imposable and a method had yet to be devised, but it was tackled, issue by issue until a reasonable set of odds could be lived with.

    This is nothing near the challenge, but will require a similar approach, abet on a much smaller scale. Lastly, you always have sex with a super model on cocaine, mostly because this is the only way folks like us could ever possably expect to have such luck.
  10. viking north
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    viking north VINLAND

    You still didn't read my post--The point after 100 miles in heavy rain -- your body's core temp.drops and it doesn't function properly -- It's reverts to uncontrollably shaking in an attempt to warm up-- Reaction time slows -- Braking --clutch--gearing down--normal routines all have to be a thought out process in what seems to be slow motion. Unlike a boat at sea you can stop and seek shelter. Riding a motorcycle at cool temperatures in the rain is just a simplistic example of what it would be like on a very very small scale compared to travelling on the open ocean without shelter. In your new proposial there's no stopping or shelter-- what i'm saying is, If you're determined to do this go back to a craft design that provides shelter. Remember the basics of survival--Food--Shelter -Warmpth.
  11. Yobarnacle
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    Yobarnacle Senior Member holding true course

  12. Yobarnacle
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    Yobarnacle Senior Member holding true course

    people who swim the english channel have a boat accompany them.
    I think it would be prudent to arrange a series of yachts to accompany you during the various legs of your voyage.
    If you needed rescue, you could try again later, with a better idea of what you were facing.
  13. Yobarnacle
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    Yobarnacle Senior Member holding true course

    have you tried a steady diet of freeze dried foods for a period of time?
  14. Yobarnacle
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    Yobarnacle Senior Member holding true course

    Just riding a bike a long distance is debilitating, even camping at night and stopping in restaurants and for beers. My buddies and I rode from Frisco to New York City when we got home from Vietnam. I have never swung my leg over a bike since.

  15. michael pierzga
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    michael pierzga Senior Member

    Because the concept of SMALLEST is goofy and sensationalist.
    Its perfectly legitimate to propose a SMALL ocean going craft..or an Open ocean going craft or a kite driven ocean going craft
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