Rethinking the smallest boat circumnavigation

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by stonedpirate, Feb 17, 2012.

  1. pdwiley
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    pdwiley Senior Member

    As a point of fact, helium is not flammable AT ALL.

    Also, IIRC, R-101 crashed due to serious structural failure not fire, but I could be wrong on that one, just going off of old memories of reading Neville Shute's book 'Slide Rule'.

  2. rwatson
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    rwatson Senior Member

    Thats how I remember it too. As for Helium -

    "Although the most famous of airship disasters, it was not the worst. Just over twice as many perished (73 of 76 on board) when the helium-filled U.S. Navy scout airship USS Akron crashed at sea off the New Jersey coast four years earlier on April 4, 1933."
  3. buzzman
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    buzzman Senior Member

    YEah, right, helium non-flammable. Who knew..??

    BUt I think the structural failures on R101 lead to the crash and it then caught fire (hydrogen) and that's what killed everyone.

    From rusty memory it was the gas bags rubbing on the girders that wore thousands of minute holes that weren't immediatel repaired with stick on patches.

    Can't remember off-hand what Norway's mob did with R-100 but I recall it was definitely superior to R-101, and had better engines with more power etc etc...

    Built by engineers for a purpose, not down to a price by bureaucrats....
  4. Pericles
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  5. stonedpirate
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    stonedpirate Senior Member

    love the tangents in this thread :p
  6. BertKu
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    BertKu Senior Member

    Hi stonedpirate, how the hick did your thread got to Flying sausages?? If the deviation was a 10 feet Air Zepelin, I can still understand, but here is a link to a 74 Swedish fellow who had the same plans like you. Wonder whether he also wanted to go on a suicide trip. I can't tell you, but around the world in a 10 feeter non stop is definite suicidle,d.ZWU


    P.S. This boat builder made quite a cute small "whatever you call it".
    Last edited: Apr 11, 2015
  7. yofish

    yofish Previous Member

    After skipping through this thread, I conclude that most who post here are either insane or have way too much unsupervised free time.
  8. Manie B
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    Manie B Senior Member

  9. Pericles
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    Pericles Senior Member

    Logic, not fantasy. Reason, not faith.

    That interview dates from October 2012.

    He's sailing for all the wrong reasons. Oil is not running out. Canada's oil sand reserves dwarf Saudi Arabia, Brazil declared world's biggest oil strike of 2013. The UK struck massive oil south of Gatwick airport. Then there is shale gas.

    He mumbled something about Phosphor :?: & water shortages in parts of the world. More dams would help but watermelons don't like those either. Norway's hydroelectricity is considered a non-renewable resource:!: :!: :!: WTF

    His boat is built using epoxy, an oil derivative & plywood. His 200 pounds weight of books are also dead trees. He reminds me of *Floki who, surrounded by the flames of his burning assault towers against the walls of Paris, realised that because of his belief in the Æsir, he had killed Æthelstan, who could have warned him about the boiling pig fat & the fire arrows. Sven Yrvind has a restricted world view. His beliefs are moribund, his mission misdirected & compromised. He's no Joshua Slocum, a practical man who built the Liberdade to get his family home from Brazil.

    * "To the gates" Episode 8, Series 3, "Vikings".
  10. pdwiley
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    pdwiley Senior Member

    Stop attempting to confuse people with facts, they don't like it.

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  11. ImaginaryNumber
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    ImaginaryNumber Imaginary Member

    Didn't watch the video, but some think the world is running out of phosphorus. Don't know what that has to do with sailing around the world in a 10' boat.
  12. stonedpirate
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    stonedpirate Senior Member

    I think humans feel the need to justify and rationalize their actions with whatever socially acceptable gibberish they can come up with.

    I doubt Sven is a tree hugging hippy. He is just a loner that cant afford a big boat so decided to go small and go now :p

    Personally, i like the man. He lived his dream and didnt care what anyone thought. I also like it how he made it to age 72 in spite of all his critics calling him a suicidal psychopath for the past 50 years. Looks like small boats arent that dangerous afterall :p
  13. BertKu
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    BertKu Senior Member

    I am very curious. Are you insane? You responded to this thread WHY????
  14. Manie B
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    Manie B Senior Member


    "I am very curious. Are you insane? You responded to this thread WHY????"

    "Personally, i like the man. He lived his dream and didn't care what anyone thought. I also like it how he made it to age 72 in spite of all his critics calling him a suicidal psychopath for the past 50 years. Looks like small boats aren't that dangerous after all"

    :D :D

    :D :D

  15. BertKu
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    BertKu Senior Member

    Manie, you confuse me. Which man. I remarked on Yofish, who declares everybody possible insane and having too much time at hand , while he himself also responded to this thread. Thus my conclusion is simple. Yofish declared himself as insane. Sorry Jofish, I had to laugh about you.
    No hard feelings. Bert
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