Rethinking the smallest boat circumnavigation

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by stonedpirate, Feb 17, 2012.

  1. whitepointer23

    whitepointer23 Previous Member

  2. PlaningWheel
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    PlaningWheel Junior Member

    Can we back up one post to the subject of a 10' boat?
    It's my first post on the subject and I've given it some thought and effort.
    In younger days I considered an Atlantic crossing on a Hobie 16 so I find the topic interesting.
  3. bntii
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    bntii Senior Member

    Yep- this one will go very cheap to free.
    Rough, but something to build on and if with a haul out and clean up the boat could be sailing.
  4. PlaningWheel
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    PlaningWheel Junior Member

    Are these boats 10' long?
  5. whitepointer23

    whitepointer23 Previous Member

    if you take 22 ft out of the middle it will be.:)
  6. stonedpirate
    Joined: Nov 2009
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    stonedpirate Senior Member

    Hi all

    Thought I would pop in to let you know that I just arrived back home from sailing around the world in a 10' boat :p
  7. Mr Efficiency
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    Mr Efficiency Senior Member

    Well done, when will you stop rocking, do you think ? :)
  8. stonedpirate
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    stonedpirate Senior Member


    hopefully by this time next year :p
  9. BertKu
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    BertKu Senior Member

    If it is truly true you did it, I take then my hat off for you. But why haven't we seen any news article about your round the world trip. Did you really sneaked into all the harbors and told nobody? Bert
  10. stonedpirate
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    stonedpirate Senior Member



    spent the last few years living on a 25 footer, crewing on large yachts and jet ski fishing

    also have been getting drunk and laughing at my 10 foot boot idea :p
  11. Mr Efficiency
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    Mr Efficiency Senior Member

    Sounds like you won't be tormented by regrets about not doing it, then.
  12. BertKu
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    BertKu Senior Member

    At last you came to your senses.
  13. Squidly-Diddly
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    Squidly-Diddly Senior Member

    I've always thought Lighter Than Air would work well with kite sails as a positive way to get them up in the air, as well as hold some shape to reduce tangling.

    Hydrogen can be produced from water with trickle electricity and isn't nearly as dangerous as gasoline IMO, just harder to store.

    I think even a few hydrogen ballons on a long string could be used help get a sail off the deck and under control.
  14. buzzman
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    buzzman Senior Member

    Sorry to burst your bubble Squidly, but hydrogen is THE most dangerous gas for lighter than air balooons.

    It's what killed the Hindenburg and R-101 and why all zeppelins these days use helium, which is much less flammable and much more stable.

    Also explains why montgolfier type balloons use propane burners and hot air, rather than flammable gasses like helium and hydrogen.

    MUCH safer......

  15. stonedpirate
    Joined: Nov 2009
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    stonedpirate Senior Member

    I considered trapping seagulls in a net and attaching them to the kite for initial lift
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