Restoration parts info

Discussion in 'Powerboats' started by roland mccarthy, Jun 27, 2023.

  1. roland mccarthy
    Joined: Jun 2023
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    Location: Carlton GA

    roland mccarthy New Member

    I have a 66 (from what I can tell) runabout / fishing boat. Had an 85hp Mercury. Looking to find a windshield & info on replacement Bimini & seat cushions. Can anyone hook me up with any info that would help. I live in NE GA. It's nostalgic to myself as my parents friend had one as a kid on the lake in NH. Mine is in good condition, very solid, no loose rivets. Sat for years but appears to have been never abused. Also would like to find replacement clipper stickers. It's got the original tube frame trailer also in great condition. Thanks in advance. Blessings, Roland.
  2. fallguy
    Joined: Dec 2016
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    fallguy Senior Member

    There is a marine salvage yard in GA. Lanier in Dawsonville. See if tbey have old parts; otherwise ebay?
  3. roland mccarthy
    Joined: Jun 2023
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    roland mccarthy New Member

    Thanx. I'll look then up. Blessings, Roland.
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