Response from EWB-USA and TRB

Discussion in 'Post-Tsunami' started by CDBarry, Jan 5, 2005.

  1. CDBarry
    Joined: Nov 2002
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    CDBarry Senior Member

    I have recently received the following:

    From: "Zeke Yewdall, EWB Project Coordinator"
    To: Chris Barry <>
    Subject: Re: Tsunami related projects
    Date: Tue, 04 Jan 2005 13:10:49 -0700


    I think that some boatbuilding projects would be great. We just don't
    have the staff to go our searching for new projects though (we only have
    two paid staff and everyone else is volunteer). So, what I would recommend
    is taking a look at our project application (on the downloads section of
    our website), and if you know of anything that looks promising, send it our

    On the project review, we tend to give priority to projects that address
    basic life needs (like clean water), but boats could be good if they
    address transportation for medical needs, or reviving economic potential.
    We also give priority to projects with a high design content, compared to
    funding content. We have alot of engineers and engineers students waiting
    to do work, but virtually no funding for projects.

    If you want to bounce some ideas of my before filling out a full
    application (or if anyone you know does), feel free to email me.

    Project Coordinator. Engineers Without Borders - USA
    1880 Industrial Circle, Suite B-3
    Longmont, CO, USA 80501 Phone: 303-772-2723
    Fax: 303-772-2699

    A special session titled “Transportation and Logistical Challenges
    Associated with the Tsunami Disaster” has just been added to the program
    for the TRB 84th Annual Meeting in Washington, D.C. The session will be
    held in the Blue Room of the Omni Shoreham Hotel on Sunday, January 9, at
    8:00 p.m. The session will include invited presentations relating to
    topics such as airlift and sealift of aid and relief supplies, including
    the role of the military, distribution of aid and relief supplies once they
    reach affected countries, challenges of rebuilding infrastructure in
    underdeveloped countries, and the impact of the disaster on commercial
    shipping and global supply chains. This session is open to all who are
    interested and will include discussion of the role TRB, its sponsors, and
    volunteers can play in addressing both short- and long-term challenges
    associated with this disaster.
  2. donny_tedjo
    Joined: Feb 2005
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    donny_tedjo Junior Member

    EWB-USA and TRB

    It Was good news from EWB, why not trying with something else.
    I found the young engineer could solve the problem more better, since they still have ideallism.
    I know about the EWB project in Lombok and i've also heard thet they would made the same project that sound more ecological project in Thousand Island.
    They will made a reffercontainer with solar energy (the price is reasonable and quite durable and easy to maintain.)

    Go Go Go EWB made something in your Summer Camp here.

    Date: 12 Apr 2005

    Indonesia: Shipwreck hunters to provide 1,000 boats for Aceh

    Jakarta, Indonesia-Relief - A groups of French and Indonesian has launched a project to help Aceh fishermen restore their life. Called as '1000 Bateaux Pour L'Indonesia' or 1,000 boats for Indonesia, the project will provide 1,000 fishing boats for fishermen in Meulaboh, West Aceh district. According to the project coordinator Pascal Kainic, they already got support from French Embassy in Indonesia as well as Indonesian Ministry of Fisheries and Ocean.
    Kanic told Indonesia-Relief that the project would be coordinate through Laut Nusantara, a new foundation established to help tsunami survivor. In general, the foundation established as non-profit organization aims to promote interest and knowledge of Indonesia's sea archipelago. ''La Guilde Européene du Raid, a French charity, will also fund the projects,'' said Kanic, owner of Jakarta based Ocean Research Limited, a company dealing with historical shipwreck recoveries, auction of artifacts and various sea resources trading.

    Laut Nusantara will build fiberglass boat with 14-16 meter long. The 'mini length liner' will endure long enough, up to 30 years, compared to traditional boat with only, in average, live span of 5 years. Fiberglass boat had also some additional advantages, such as lighter, faster, and consumes less fuel. The boat is also possible to store more fish, as fiberglass boat construction are 'more roomy'. And the most important reason is it will prevent mass logging of Aceh forest.

    Laut Nusantara already secure 3.000 meters land in Pasir Pinang village to setup a 'boat factory'' that capable to produce 1 fiberglass boat per week. In its early phase, Laut Nusantara planned to build 100 boats, which will cost up to 150.000 euros. Dozen villagers will be trained to become fiberglass boat builder. On the next phase, the factory will be expanded and double its capacity to produce another 500 hundreds boat and so on.

    Not just providing the boats, in cooperation with Bina Swadaya, Laut Nusantara will establish fisheries cooperative. The cooperative will manage the boat factory and setup supporting facilities such as fish market, cold storage, and fuel station. Based on Bina Swadaya expertise in micro-credit, the cooperative will also provide financial scheme for the fishermen to expand their fisheries business. Laut Nusantara will provide start up capital as revolving fund. © che
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