Reputable Large Motor Yacht Designer Wanted for Concept Development.

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by MarkOHara, Oct 13, 2021.

  1. MarkOHara
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    MarkOHara Junior Member

    I’m looking for a Large Motor Yacht Designer to assist in the development of an existing design.

    Someone like Laurent Giles with a good reputation and name in that industry. Laurent Giles offers that service offers and I have contacted them (twice) but I’m still waiting a reply.

    What other names are reputable in the LY industry?
  2. Ad Hoc
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    Ad Hoc Naval Architect

    Any NA can assist with that, why the focus on LMYD?

    Can you define reputable?
  3. MarkOHara
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    MarkOHara Junior Member

    Any NA or team of NA's that have a few of these LMY's already under their belt and sailing.
  4. Ad Hoc
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    Ad Hoc Naval Architect

    This shall limit your search.

    Since any NA that designs high speed boats could do the task you seek. The fact it is a LMY is irrelevant - the hull/design could be a patrol boat, a crew boat etc etc.
    These are all the same, hydrodynamically and structurally, in that sense. Hence why focus on LMY designers only?
  5. MarkOHara
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    MarkOHara Junior Member

    Because that's what the customer wants. If they have other designs under their belt too such as: Small Yachts, Sailing Yachts, Work-boats, whatever, great! But I'm looking for designers specifically with a portfolio or a history of LMY's.
  6. bajansailor
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    bajansailor Marine Surveyor

    I think that Laurent Giles might still be trading (or trying to) on their reputation from many years ago.
    Mark, how large is 'large'?
    Over 24 metres, over 50 m, over 100 m even?

    You mention that you are looking for a 'Large Motor Yacht Designer to assist in the development of an existing design.'
    What sort of assistance would this be?
    I guess this could be anywhere between the tea lady to the next in command of the project.....

    Ad Hoc is too modest to blow his own trumpet, but he knows his stuff for sure when it comes to naval architecture.
    Why not ask him if he might be interested?
    Or if you are at liberty to disclose some more details of the project, us rabble might be in a better position to suggest somebody to help you?
    If you want a glorified tea boy, then reputable designers like S & S, Malcolm McKeon, Ron Holland, et al probably wouldn't be interested.

    There are many large yacht designers around - Google is your friend here.
    Have you done an initial search yet with Google?

    Edit - Ed Dubois had a very good reputation for many years, especially re large sailing yachts. His right hand man was Peter Bolke, who subsequently set up on his own after Ed crossed the bar some years ago. And Peter has some very impressive designs to his credit -

    Another edit - I took the liberty of googling Mark -

    Untitled Document
    Last edited: Oct 13, 2021
  7. MarkOHara
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    MarkOHara Junior Member

    Yes, I did some work with Laurent Giles on smaller boats and they have built a good reputation as they are one of the longest in the trade, and the only one I know. My area of expertise is Small Craft <24m, this is much larger than that, I'm just a very small cog in a very big wheel here.

    Even to someone not in the industry if you mention "Laurent Giles" to a prospective client it sounds familiar. If you want a nice handbag I could rhyme off Louis Vuitton, Chanel or any of the other great fashion houses. So I thought I'd ask the "boat designers" here who are the big names in LMY's?
    If anyone was to go to the expense of hiring Laurent Giles it wouldn't be for the role as Tea Lady .
  8. bajansailor
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    bajansailor Marine Surveyor

    Ok, can you tell us a bit more about this existing design - like how big it is please?
    And what type of 'assistance' are you looking for when you engage your LMYD?
  9. Mr Efficiency
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    Mr Efficiency Senior Member

    Perhaps the "large" motor yacht designer needs to be 6 foot 4 and weigh over a hundred kilos ? "Develop" how, stylistically ? So little detail is provided !
  10. MarkOHara
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    MarkOHara Junior Member

    Strange? Was my previous post and opinions about simply "Googling" answers heavily edited?
    If I remember correctly before I went to work this morning I had a lot more to say about it!
  11. MarkOHara
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    MarkOHara Junior Member

    70m<100m. Laurent Giles is offering Concept Development:
    But they have seem to have moved on a lot since I dealt with them:
    I have been asked to find a similar NA or Company offering the same services with some of their boats already on the water.
    Everything else is under an NDA for now.
    I'm just looking for Names and Companies that do this kind of work so I can get to Google and research them, as you did me.
  12. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

    I sincerely believe that a person who can be called "Large Yatchs Designer" does not exist. Large boats must be designed by teams made up of a large number of professionals, from a wide variety of specialties, none of whom can carry the LYD title. It can be said that one belongs to a technical office that designs large ships, be they passenger ships or yachts. A large passenger ship is considerably more complicated than a large yacht.
    So, in my opinion, if someone introduces himself to you as LYD, just don't believe him.
    All that said, since the design seems to be done, what do you want to get out of that "LYD"?. I say this with all due respect and with the idea of, perhaps, being able to help you.
  13. MarkOHara
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    MarkOHara Junior Member

    From what I am aware there is already a large team on-board. I have just been asked to find a NA with a history of Large Yacht Design (50m<), regardless of what other boats they have designed and/or built in the past. Their job is to oversee the project, dot the "i"s and cross the "t"s, right along the lines of what LG has to offer, as seen in my previous post.
    All I'm looking for is Names and Companies that do this work so I can present their portfolios to the board, and they in turn will let me know which ones I can contact and how much further information I can divulge.
  14. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

    I believe that any naval technical office is capable of participating in the design of yachts of any length. Less than or greater than 50 m does not mark a red line in the regulations that the boat must comply with, nor does the fact that it is a yacht make it more difficult or simpler than a passenger boat. Look for Naval Technical Offices, there are hundreds of them, and analyze the work they have carried out or the projects in which they have participated. You have multiple options at your fingertips because what you are asking for is not space technology.

  15. MarkOHara
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    MarkOHara Junior Member

    That is not even up for debate, no one is arguing that!
    But the board only wants to hear from those who have done this before, who have boats on the water and floating examples of their work and not tied to any single company.
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