Repower tritoon?

Discussion in 'Projects & Proposals' started by TheBoatGuy36, May 14, 2020.

  1. TheBoatGuy36
    Joined: May 2020
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    TheBoatGuy36 New Member

    Hello all! New guy here so I hope I'm asking my question in the right place. Please direct if I'm not. I have a 1999 J.C. Tri-toon 24ft. I currently have a 1998 130hp johnson 30" shaft on it which does pretty well on the boat but it is the max hp rating . So my question is, I have a 2015 200hp etec HO 20" shaft I'd like to put on it. I found a company that makes an extension for the shaft length but I dont know anyone that has done it. Also, my boat already sits pretty low in the stern with that 130 on there. How do you think it will do with that 200 on it? Do I need to beef the transom up? Sorry for all the questions. Just looking for some guidance.

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  2. Mr Efficiency
    Joined: Oct 2010
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    Mr Efficiency Senior Member

    I may be wrong, but I suspect that is a 25" leg, easy to measure though. Why do you want to change it " You say 130 hp is the max ?
  3. kapnD
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    kapnD Senior Member

    The boat will be heavier, and will go faster, and the resultant increase of forces upon the entire structure are gray area, yours to engineer or wing it, as you see fit.
    You might want to check with your insurance company first!
  4. TheBoatGuy36
    Joined: May 2020
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    TheBoatGuy36 New Member

    Yes it's a 25" leg. And honestly I'd like to just put a 200 on there to say I did and try and get some good speed lol. I have the motor laying around so why not

  5. Mr Efficiency
    Joined: Oct 2010
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    Mr Efficiency Senior Member

    Tricky business extending legs, there probably is an after-market kit for that, somewhere, failing that you might find a compatible 25" leg from another motor in the Evinrude family of engines, that has a blown powerhead. You can then swap the powerhead, and from my recollections, it could be quite a few different blocks that will fit that leg. The other issue is the gearcase ratio, I suspect your 130 may have the V6 box, but with a greater reduction ratio, which is more suited to pontoon boats than the box on your 200.
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