Repairing a small section of my boat sole

Discussion in 'Materials' started by belsitj, Aug 13, 2011.

  1. Stumble
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    Stumble Senior Member


    They have it right but I think are a tad confusing. For a job like this I would buy a gallon. When this job is over, you will still have a good bit left, but epoxy keeps pretty much for ever so it won't go to waste.

    I would coat the patch with three neat coats before installing it. This is technically not necessary as Par pointed out, but that way you know it will last forever. This needs to cover all exposed wood. Top, bottom, sides, inside screw holes, everything. What you are doing here is creating an environment inside the epoxy shell that is impervious to moisture changes. This is the best way to protect wood from the marine environment.

    What Par was saying is that you can count the layers of glass you put over the patch into that 3 coat count. He is absolutely right, and in a professional shop the reduced cost is important. But for you the difference is a dollor or less to overbuild it, and in the event you make a mistake later on this way you are covered.
  2. PAR
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    PAR Yacht Designer/Builder

    Stumble put it better then I.

    What you should do is cut and fit everything you plan on installing dry. Once satisfied with the fit, shapes, bevels, round overs, screw holes pre-drilled, etc., including any hardware you might install after the patch is down. Then you coat the crap out of all the wood. 3 coats is recommend because it insures film thickness. You can get by with 2, but you'll notice some places seem to "suck up" more goo then others, so these locations may be too thin with just two coats. This is the logic behind the 3 coat recommendation. Once everything is coated, but still off the boat, you can set up to glue things into the boat, then move onto tabbing to the hull shell/liner/sole flange, etc. Lastly is the finish work which ultimately will involve the vinyl.
  3. belsitj
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    belsitj Junior Member

    Thanks Bataan.
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    BATAAN Senior Member

    Thank PAR. His explanation was much better than mine.

  5. belsitj
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    belsitj Junior Member

    ok, think I have it now and I DO appreciate everyone's help!!!!
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