repainting a jon boat

Discussion in 'Boatbuilding' started by catfishing, Mar 12, 2012.

  1. catfishing
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    catfishing Junior Member

    Hello all, new to this sight. I am looking at repainting my jon boat, It'a a few years old, and the paint is still good, but i'm looking at changing the color. Can I just pain't over top of the old paint, or do i need to sand it down and use primer....... any input will help. thanks
  2. Ike
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    Ike Senior Member

    What is this jon boat made of, wood, glass, aluminum?

    The material determines how you prepare it to be painted.
  3. hoytedow
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    hoytedow Carbon Based Life Form

    Welcome to the forum, catfishing.

    Regardless of the material, I would only sand it lightly, only enough to dull it and clean it so the new paint can form a good mechanical bond.

    I'm guessing it is an aluminum hull, right?
  4. catfishing
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    catfishing Junior Member

    yes, its aluminun. do I need to put etching and primer and paint or just sand and paint?
  5. hoytedow
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    hoytedow Carbon Based Life Form

    I wouldn't go all the way down to bare metal. Just take off the shine and paint over the existing paint, using it as a primer if it is in sound condition.
  6. Ike
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    Ike Senior Member

    I second that.Just lightly sand the paint, but don't take it down to the metal.
  7. the1much
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    the1much hippie dreams

    if you take down to metal you'll have to ultra high build,then high build,and all that goes with that.which is actually ALOT. jus sand down to good paint, which means strong holding non cracked paint.only after you sand will you know what your next staep is.
  8. hoytedow
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    hoytedow Carbon Based Life Form

    Don't sand down deep. Just take off the shine and no more. Then repaint.
  9. Nick.K
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    Nick.K Senior Member

    What paint are you going to use? and what paint is it going over?

    Oil paint (enamel) on Oil is fine, but two pack polyurethane over oil will blister up.

  10. the1much
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    the1much hippie dreams

    and no matter what, i would use new primer, unless painting again in a few years is kool with ya.
  11. hoytedow
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    hoytedow Carbon Based Life Form

    Again I will say if the paint is in good shape it does not need to be primed. Do not add extra work, expense and weight. Every layer of paint adds to the weight.
  12. catfishing
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    catfishing Junior Member

    Thanks for all the info, this is my first boat and I decided to redo the whole thing. I know i have goen overboard on it, but I'm having fun with it. Will try to post some pics. of the stages of my progression. I have come up with some cool ideas that I have put on the boat.
    The paint is the factory green jon boat paint. any ideas what kind of paint I should use?

    Thanks again, you guys have been great.
  13. Nick.K
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    Nick.K Senior Member

    Two pack paints are harder and longer lasting and if put on well look great.. but they can only go over other two pack and are more difficult to apply (orange peel and fisheyes are common problems).
    I'd say go for a traditional enamel paint, it is cheaper, easier to apply and looks good. Do your surface prep with care and before you sand the existing, give it a careful wipedown with acetone (or similar) in case there was wax put on when it was new. Roll it on and tip it off with a soft brush.

    Personally I don't like the new water based paints and have not had good experiences with them.

  14. variverrunner
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    variverrunner Junior Member


    The safest thing to do is to contact the boat manufacturer and ask them what kind of paint the boat was painted with and use the same type of paint.

    This the paint finish flat?

    That will eliminate a host of issues.


  15. the1much
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    the1much hippie dreams

    to do it the safest and overall cheapest you should use the primer made for your top coat. even same kind of paint but different brands of it mixed is not a 100% sure shot. the ONLY way to be 100% that all paint will work together is use same brand primer as your top coat. now this isnt saying mixing wont work, most times it will,,the crapper is you wont know till next year..
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