Relocateing ray marine dragonfly5 pro for improved GPS position fix?

Discussion in 'OnBoard Electronics & Controls' started by the brain, Jun 28, 2017.

  1. the brain
    Joined: Sep 2016
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    the brain Senior Member

    Relocateing ray marine dragonfly5 pro for improved GPS position fix?

    I realley like my first real sounder/GPS combo the downvision is especially detailed
    Kindoff like low definition TV.

    GPS tracks signal 20% of time remaining 80% GPS alarm lose position fix every couple minutes the audio can’t be adjusted.

    When lose position fix occurs I lose speedo reading (I have yet to find the speedo waterport on engine).

    The aluminum hardtop has obstructed the upward line of sight to sky, GPS is apparentely
    Receiving un obstructed signal though windows from horizon doe’s this about right?

    I can’t relocate pro5 much in starboard direction w/out also relcating gear select/throttle.

    Relocateing forth mite work.

    I’m in the process of extending forth the aluminum hardtop maybe a pro5 peephole made of plexieglass incorpuated into top will provide unobstructed upward line of sight to sky.

    edit I'm not interested in spending a small fortune on sounder w/ extrenal antenna.
    Thanks STB

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  2. the brain
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    the brain Senior Member

    anyone w/ advice
  3. the brain
    Joined: Sep 2016
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    the brain Senior Member

    moved forth and works fine now at least a couple hours at the Lake

    now I need to remount.

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