regarding Yanmar 440HP and HJ274

Discussion in 'Jet Drives' started by Hunterr, Apr 10, 2016.

  1. Hunterr
    Joined: Jun 2015
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    Hunterr Junior Member

    hello. I am now designing my 9meter aluminum rib boat.

    principal dimensions
    hull length : 8m
    Beam: 2.9m
    engine :yanmar 440HP (6LY440) (single engine)
    JET : Hamilton HJ274

    when designing parts of engine and jet , I have a problem.
    So, I hope someone to advise me...

    1. I downloaded 6LY440 modeling STP file from YANMAR website.
    but there were two versions(=Bobtail and kmh61a)
    whats the meaning of bobtail and kmh61a and what is fit to my boat?
    U can see the layouts of engine at below link.

    2. how long is the drive shaft?(meter) and where can I download modeling file of drive shaft?

    3. I know where shaft position is in Jet.
    but I dont know where shaft position is in engine.

    4. where can i download Hj274 modeling stp file?
  2. hellojaby
    Joined: Feb 2009
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    hellojaby Junior Member

    1\Bobtail(botail is havn't gearbox) and kmh61a(is engine+Kmh61a gearbox) ,
  3. ChrisN67
    Joined: Jan 2008
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    ChrisN67 Senior Member

    I am running 6ly2 STP (USA) vs (STE) Japan. Please elaborate on "modelling"; you can easily get the dimensions and design your stringers and drivetrain from there.

    I would use a CV joint, very quite and no vibration. Have you considered a surface drive, much more efficient at high speed.

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  4. OCB
    Joined: Dec 2015
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    OCB Senior Member

    CV joint drive line

    Are you using rubber motor mounts? What size CV joint are you using in your drive line? Do you have angles on your shafts where the u joint will vibrate?


  5. ChrisN67
    Joined: Jan 2008
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    ChrisN67 Senior Member

    I am using CV joints. GKN (Aquadrive CV 31); Initially my angles were to high but I corrected that. (not before I over-temped the joints and had to take them apart and repack with Castrol Optitemp Formula 1 racing CV joint grease rated up to and over 400F. I have a non contact pryometer on them now to monitor temps...

    The stringers were made with 10 layers biax, then a full length 30mm x 75 mm x 2 meter tapping bar embedded and covered with 6 layers biax. 20mm stainless locking keenserts were installed into the aluminum to which the Strong captive engine mounts were installed.

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